Looney Tunes: Tazmanian Devil vs Tazmanian Tiger

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    This is a live action animation movie that all starts with a bad man named Mr. Makurt. Mr. Makurt had scientists developing a formula to bring an extinct Tasmanian Tiger back to life. When they threw the switch and tried to bring it life, nothing happened. Then, it suddenly moved and went all crazy around the room like a maniac. Mr. Makurt said, "It's alive, IT'S ALIVE!" Then, he named it Thyzin the Tasmanian Tiger, who would soon be the next Wonder-of-Down-Under in the Looney Tune's history.
    Meanwhile, a 13-year-old boy named Z and his father went to visit the Warner Bros. Studios for a tour. During their time there, Z walked into a room where he meets Bugs Bunny and the whole gang. Z was surprised to be meeting all of the Looney Tunes in the studios, but he told them that his favorite Looney Tune was Taz, the Tasmanian Devil, but secretly he knows that he's his biggest fan. When Z asked Bugs where Taz is, Taz came zooming in before Bugs could answer. Bugs introduced Taz to Z, telling him that he's a big fan of his.
    Later, Mr. Makurt's men showed up in a limousine to tell the Tunes that "their" Tasmanian Devil is going to be sent to retirement. They were about to find out why once they met with Mr. Makurt, at the stands in front of the Warner Bros. water tower. Makurt told everyone in Warner Bros. that he has perfected a new wild beast to go into Looney Tunes history. He showed his creation, Thyzin the Tasmanian Tiger to them, and declared that he will be the new Wonder-of-Down-Under. Thyzin was so scary looking and was going crazy around in his cage that the audience was a little frightened by him.
    Bugs Bunny came up to Makurt telling him that they already have a wild beast and he will not be replaced. But Mr. Makurt wouldn't agree because he said the Tasmanian Tiger is a new generation, and he thinks it's better than a Tasmanian Devil. Z's father shouted out to Makurt telling him that he can't just replace Taz with a new ferocious beast, cause he's like a member of the family. Makurt didn't think the Looney Tunes were a family cause they're always hurting each other in their silly shows.
    After Taz being so insulted by Mr. Makurt, he rushed up into the stands telling him that Thyzin is not better than him. So, Makurt released the Tasmanian Tiger and attacks Taz like an out-of-control maniac. Taz was badly hurt and the Tunes became terrified of Thyzin. Then, Makurt called Thyzin back with a whistle.
    Mr. Makurt offered a contract to the owner of Warner Bros., but before he tried to sign it, Z called out to them saying that it can't be decided without a challenge. Z tried to convince Mr. Makurt to let the Tasmanians compete against each other to see who is the best Tasmanian. So, Makurt decided to let Taz challenge Thyzin to a wrestling match in the wrestling ring stadium. If Taz wins, he stays in Warner Bros., but if Thyzin wins, he will become the new Wonder-of-Down-Under. They would have 6 weeks of training before the big match starts.
    As soon as Mr. Makurt left with Thyzin, Z and the Tunes were in the main office of Warner Bros. wondering how Taz is going to beat that Tasmanian Tiger monster. The owner of Warner Bros. told everyone that he knows a wildlife biologist from Tasmania who knows all about the animals in Tasmania better than anyone. So, he thinks the biologist might be able to teach Taz how to beat Thyzin.
    The owner of Warner Bros. gave Bugs Bunny 5 plane tickets to Tasmania. So, Bugs set off with Z, Taz, Daffy Duck and Z's father for this trip to find the biologist. When they finally arrived in Tasmania, Taz was really excited being in his home land. They then started their journey through the jungle to find the wildlife biologist. They traveled far, but then suddenly Z's father fell down a big hill and broke his foot. Luckily, they saw Taz's old house, and at the front yard they meet Taz's parents from the old cartoon show, Taz-Mania. They were expecting Taz to be home for the holidays, but they were happy to see Taz home so early. They invited them in to help Z's father's injured foot. They all went into the house and meet Taz's little brother, Jake and Taz's pet turtle, Dog the Turtle. They then met Taz's sister Molly coming down the stairs and Daffy thought she looked very hot. Then, Daffy meets the Platypus Brothers fixing the Tazmanian Devil's TV. They were really excited to be meeting Daffy because they are big fans of him as Duck Dodgers.
    When everyone was having lunch at the table, Bugs and Z explained why Taz won't be the Wonder of Down Under anymore. When Z said Tasmanian Tiger, Taz's father Hugh spit his orange juice in Daffy's face and said. "DID YOU SAY, TASMANIAN TIGER!?" Hugh was shocked in anger when he heard that name. He then told everyone his backstory about how the Tasmanian Tigers bullied him and called him a very mean name. One he really didn't like.
    When the Platypus Brothers fixed the TV, they turned on the news showing the Looney Tunes having a hard time with Thyzin. The Tunes think that Thyzin is just way too wild and crazy for them to handle, but Mr. Makurt still insists that Tasmanian Tigers are better than Tasmanian Devils. He thinks that Thyzin makes Taz look like a pathetic weasel. Taz got so angry for Makurt's insults that he smashed the TV into a million pieces. Bugs and Z wanted to help Taz by finding the wildlife biologist so he can help Taz on how to beat Thyzin in wrestling match. The Platypus Brothers have heard about this biologist and know where to find him, so they gave them a map to where he lives. The gang decided to spend the night in Taz's house and start their journey in the morning.
    That night at Warner Bros. Studios, the Looney Tunes were missing Taz, because Thyzin has been so wild during his acting with them, that they've been getting beaten up a lot. The Tunes tried to tell Mr. Makurt that Thyzin is just too hard for them to handle. But Makurt would not listen to them, he thinks the Tasmanian Tigers are the new future generation, after they'd been extinct for over 80 years. Lola Bunny told the Tunes not to lose hope that Taz will be getting special training to defeat Thyzin in the wrestling match. They just have to believe in him.
    The next day Taz and the gang start preparing their journey. Z didn't want his father to go with an injured foot, so Z decided to go alone with Taz, Bugs and Daffy for this travel. Molly and Jake decided to go with them as well, so they all traveled together to find the biologist. When they were traveling through the jungle of Tasmania, someone started shooting arrows at them. Taz found the person who attacked them. They asked why he was shooting arrows at them. It was Francis X. Bushlad trying to capture a Tasmanian Devil, so he can obtain his manhood for all of the Mud People in his tribe. Daffy asked him why he's not dressed like the Mud People if he's really one of them.
Then Molly said "Yeah, aren't you a little old to be wearing a diaper?"
Francis got really mad and tells them that it's not a diaper. But Taz just makes fun of him for that and then Francis pointed his bow arrow in front of Taz. Taz backfired it by putting his finger on the pointy end of the arrow. After Francis was sent flying Z said "Okay, let's get out here before we run into any more natives that want to hunt us and cook us for dinner."
Then, the gang meet a little Kiwi bird Popping out of the bushes. When Taz tried to eat it, the Kiwi ran past the gang so fast they got blown away. After the gang got blown off by the Kiwi, they lost Daffy and tried to find him. When they found Daffy, Z said "oh rats."
Then Bugs said "eh... I think you mean Bush Rats."
Daffy was captured by a tribe of Bush Rats getting ready to cook him for dinner. When Taz rushed in and tries to save him, a little baby Bush Rat recognized him. Taz stopped and tells the gang that they are old friends of his. Bugs tries to speak the Bush Rat's language to let Daffy go. Then, the gang say goodbye to the Bush Rats and continue their journey to find the biologist.
Meanwhile back at Taz's house, Z's father was playing with Dog the Turtle while he was recovering, while Taz's parents talk about Taz's childhood with his family.
Taz and the gang were still traveling through the jungle of Tasmania and then they met Digeri Dingo and Wendal T. Wolf searching for bottle caps. Wendal wasn't being much help to Digeri, so Digeri asked Taz if he could help find some bottle caps for him. Bugs interrupted, and told him that they're on a mission to find the wildlife biologist so he can help teach Taz how to beat a Tasmanian Tiger. When Wendal heard the name Tasmanian Tiger, he was shocked in fear. He told everyone that the Tasmanian Tigers was the reason why his species went extinct. Since Wendal was just a normal wolf that lived in Tasmania, the Tasmanian Tigers think that Wendal and his species were nothing like them and so they got rid of them. Wendal begged Taz not to fight Thyzin because he thinks Taz would get killed by him.
Wendal was being so reckless, he accidentally pushed everyone down a really big hill. (The gang lost Digeri and Wendal, Z was alone with Taz, and Bugs is with Daffy, Molly and Jake.) After a rough fall, Z and Taz decided to take a break for a moment and have a little snack. Since Z knows that Taz really likes food a lot, he gave him a king-sized candy bar from out of his backpack. While Bugs, Daffy, Molly and Jake were all looking for Taz and Z, they found a hotel where Taz used to work, the Hotel Tasmania. When they went inside, they meet the bosses of the hotel, Bushwhacker Bob and his mother Mum. Then, they meet Mr. Thickley and Constance Koala, the people who work in the hotel. Bugs and the gang asked them if they have seen Taz and Z, but they didn't. When Bugs said they were on a mission to find the wildlife biologist to help Taz beat a Tasmanian Tiger, Mr. Thickley decided to help them find the biologist and help train Taz for his big fight.
Bugs and the gang left the hotel with Mr. Thickley and headed back into the jungle to find Taz and Z. While Z and Taz were searching for their friends, Taz got caught in a net set by Bull Gator and Axl Gator. Z wasn't far behind when he saw the Gators trapped Taz. While Z was talking to the hunters, Taz escaped from the net and attacked Bull and Axl by surprise.
Bugs and the others were still wandering through the forest and they found Z watching Taz beating up Bull and Axl. The whole gang meets the hunters, and Z said he thinks they're poachers trying to capture Taz. Then, Bull called out saying he and Axl are not poachers, they were only trying to trap a Tasmanian Devil, so that they can bring it to a Zoo, for the Zoo going children to see. Bugs appreciates what the Gators are trying to do but he tells them that some animals just don't belong in a cage.
So, Bugs decided to let Bull and Axl join the gang on their journey to find the wildlife biologist and help Taz train for his fight against the Tasmanian Tiger, Thyzin. It was a long walk but they finally made it to the home of the wildlife biologist. In the front yard of the house, they meet Buddy Boar and Willy Wombat doing yard work. They said they've been working for the biologist, since they weren't very popular characters on TV. When the biologist comes out through the front door and meets the gang, he invited them in and offered them some refreshments. Bugs and Z explain why they're here. They need him to help train Taz how to beat Thyzin in a wrestling match. The biologist was not wrestling trainer, but he gave Taz some advice to beat a Tasmanian Tiger.
"To beat a Tiger, you have to think like a Tiger, the whole Eye-of-the-Tiger thing."
Daffy doesn't think Taz can do the Eye-of-the-Tiger because he knows Taz is really stupid. But Z thinks Taz has got to try, or else the Looney Tunes will get pulverized by Thyzin.
When everyone went to the backyard, the biologist brought out a big heavy object for Taz to smash. He said if Taz can't smash this object into pieces, then he cannot defeat Thyzin. Taz started spinning and tries to smash it but couldn't do it. Taz got really angry and attacked it a bunch of times, and still couldn't do it. Mr. Thickley stops Taz and tells him that he'll need to do some training if he's gonna smash it into pieces.
Everyone went to the beach and started to train Taz. Mr. Thickley was such a bad trainer, Taz was getting hurt a lot. Z shouted out to Mr. Thickley saying, "You're a terrible teacher!"
That night, Taz was very bummed out. He thinks he won't be able to beat Thyzin after all the pain he suffered during his training. But Z reminds him how he's the Looney Tunes best wild and funniest beast in their show, and tells him to never give up.
The next day, Marvin the Martian unexpectedly showed up in his spaceship. He told Bugs and the gang that Thyzin is becoming a real menace. He also brought someone with him who volunteered to help Taz's training. It was Dwayne Johnson, the world's most famous wrestler and movie actor, the Rock.
When Dwayne heard about Taz challenging Thyzin to a wrestling match, he decided to help Taz train for his big fight. So, every day Dwayne trained Taz tirelessly doing push-ups and pull-ups all about. Taz jogged, lifted weights, and climbed a big cliff, until he was strong enough to destroy the big heavy object. After a few weeks, Z's father and Taz's parents showed up to see how they were doing. Taz was busy making his tornado spin even faster than before. Then he tries to smash the big heavy object again. Taz changed in and finally destroyed the object into little pieces. He was now ready to face Thyzin in the wrestling ring.
All the characters from the Taz-Mania show wanted to see Taz's big fight. The gang went back on to the plane with everyone they met on their journey and headed straight back to Warner Bros. Studios.
6 weeks have passed.
When the gang arrived back at the studios, all the Looney Tunes got to meet Taz's family and all of the characters from the old cartoon show Taz-Mania.
Buddy Boar meets Porky Pig, Tweety meets the Kiwi bird and Wendal T. Wolf meets Wile E. Coyote. When Mr. Makurt walked into the building, he was surprised to see how Taz has his own family, even though he thinks the Looney Tunes didn't act like a family. Bugs walks up to Mr. Makurt telling him that they are a family and Taz will defeat Thyzin and he shall never be replaced.
Thyzin heard what Bugs just said and came rushing into the building like a crazy wild animal. Makurt told everyone that Thyzin has done some training himself and wants to raise the deal a little bit. Mr. Makurt said if Thyzin wins, Taz will become the next beast to be extinct. Thyzin suggested this because he thinks that there can only be one wild-psycho-beast on earth. Then he called Taz a very mean name that Taz's father did not like to be called. It was risky, but Z and Taz decided to take the challenge.
That night at the wrestling stadium, the match was about to begin, and all the Tunes were there cheering Taz on. Bugs, Z, and Dwayne wished him good luck before he entered the ring. The fight began as soon as the bell rang. Taz tried to make the first move but Thyzin punched him in the face to counter it. Then, he attacked Taz like an out-of-control monster.
A timeout was called, and Dwayne told Taz to remember the Eye-of-the-Tiger and show Thyzin who's the real Wonder-of-Down-Under. So, Taz got back in and fought. He jumped onto Thyzin's back, but Thyzin was so crazy he threw him off. Taz was getting biffed and bashed all around the ring, until he was knocked down laying on his back. Thyzin was about ready to finish off Taz, and all seemed hopeless to the Tunes. Z called out to Taz telling him to get up and fight.
Then he said, "This is your biggest fan talking to you!"
Thyzin jumped off of a corner of the ring trying to land on top of Taz with a body slam, but Taz managed to dodge it very quickly. Taz got so inspired of what Z just said, he attacked Thyzin like a Tasmanian psycho Devil. After a rough fight, both of their tornado spins collided, making one big tornado spin. Everything was flying into the air, while Taz and Thyzin were fighting inside the tornado. Then, Taz knocked Thyzin down to the floor and he finished him off with one big body slam in the air. Taz won the fight, he defeated the Tasmanian Tiger, everyone cheered. Mr. Makurt was very disappointed with Thyzin, and then Thyzin got really angry and he attacked Makurt and chased him out of the stadium.
Back at Warner Bros. Studios, everyone was celebrating Taz's victory with a party. He was sitting in a throne chair in his honor, with Digeri Dingo feeling very jealous of him. Then later, Z's father told everyone that Z's actually name is Taz, just like their Taz. Z thought it was kind of weird being named after his favorite Looney Tune Taz. So, he decided to call himself Z as his nickname, since he knows that Taz is spelled a Z and not an S. Bugs was very grateful that Taz didn't get replaced, but he also got to witness all of Taz's friends and family from the old Taz-Mania show during his journey. So, he thinks this calls for a group photo. Since Z helped out a lot, Bugs allowed him to join in the picture with all the other Tunes. In the end, everyone looked at the camera and said, "TAZ-MANIA!"
The end?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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