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Whoa where the f*ck am I. Okay let's start from the beginning so here's what happened I was running. to class then wham I ran into a locker and nonclipped I read about it in class but here speaking of here where is here. a few minutes later I find writing on the walls. then I see a figure I think its human then it rushes up to me when actually it's one of my friends "Evan omg where the f*ck are you" "I was running in the hallway" "never mind that right now we need to find supplies together. as we were scavenging, we saw someone or something else here we start to hear rumbling. then the weird entity sees us we start running then we split up and I wake up somewhere else weirder with pools of water around us and I see Jacob hovering over me and see aysnc members over me I sit up and my legs are wet along with with my hat the hazmat wearing dudes were exploring as well as studying but for some reason it's weird like almost familiar here "anyway we need to leave NOW" says one of the async members soon I see a weird looking entity across the pool it's smiling at us I can barely see it because "aww f*cking sh1t" says  Micheal "what is that" I say the smiling thing zooms past me and one of the aysnc members are killed then Micheal grabs us an takes us to a corner and hods up three fingers and counts down and we are noclipped to a hallway with exit signs on the celling then he tells us to run as fast as possible we run and e goes into a door and we are in some kind of bedroom and a tall black figure with no eyes or face and it kind of looks like my little sisters bedroom


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