I got tagged in this mess-

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1. "Have a crush?"

Uh................. real crushes?  No.  Fictional crushes?  YESSIR-

2. "Middle Name?"

...........it's.......I rlly don't wanna say it-   It's Ujung.......... IT'S MY KOREAN NAME-

3. "Height?"

VERY short-

4. "Shoe size?"


5. "Eye color?"

Dark asf brown

6. "Last time I cried?"

Idk........... a few weeks ago?-

7. "Biggest fear?"

Being around spiders, getting yelled at

8. "Last song I listened to?"

Love Like You (End credits)- Steven Universe

9. "Last person I texted?"

Uh........ my friend in Texas :D

That's about it, so I'm going to pass it on to -Rainy-clouds- AND Animeassholes

idc if I'm supposed to tag one person, Imma do it anygay ✌😙

Have a good day/night/afternoon/evening/noon/whatever :)

I got tagged in this :/Where stories live. Discover now