I did it.

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John is chilling in his bedroom, grateful he didnt name himself Zoosmell Pooplord.

Next: he looks at his smooth desk. He does the forbidden task, also known as squaking like a chicken and pooping on his desk.  He then realizes that he is still in Sburb and Karkat jumps through the roof, and ate john. Karkat then proceeds to sing GFDI Dave as dave is flying over with a block of cobblestone while wearing an elytra.  Karkat extends his arm fourteen hundred feet and grabs dave, pulls him through the roof. Heck yeah this is a davekat fanfic! Dave runs out of the house, and its suddenly an asteroid. Karkat follows.

"Tell me that you love me" - Karkat shouts

"No, Karkat. I don't care if you sang an entire song about me and ended it with you zipping ur pants up like nobody cares." - Dave shouts louder, awaking half the neighborhood.

"why are you persisting?"

"u suck"

"I will hack your trollian account."

"do it"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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