Chapter 69

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The next sound heard was the cries of the first baby. Carla took the towel that Jesse handed her and wrapped it around the first baby girl. Alex took the baby placed her on Caitlin's chest while she placed the claps on the umbilical cord and handed Barry a pair of surgical scissors. She then took the baby and handed over to Jesse to finish cleaning up. The second baby girl came a little faster. Barry cuts the cord again before Alex took her to clean up. Finally the third baby girl came into the world with much less effort then her siblings. Once all three were cleaned up and wrapped in warm blankets Barry helped Caitlin adjust in bed she was given all three to hold while Barry snapped a quick picture of the three babies and their tired but still beautiful mom. Barry then took one of the girls giving Caitlin a kiss.

"So have you two decided on names for the babies?" Carla asked

"Well these are our daughters Charlotte Nora Snow-Allen, Christina Joy Snow-Allen and Crystal Kara Snow-Allen" Caitlin said

Alex hearing the names smiled knowing that Kara was going to be honored that one of the babies was being named after her. Seeing Alex's look Barry smiled.

"Alex your sister is important to both of us. We want to make sure she knows that." Barry said

Jesse had stepped out to let everyone know that Caitlin and the babies were fine. She came back in to let them know that Joe and Cecile had arrived. When the blanket the baby Barry was holding slipped a little Caitlin noticed a birthmark on the back of her shoulder. It looked like the perfect snowflake. Barry noticed it too. He then gently moved the blankets on both Charlotte and Christina. Charlotte had a birthmark that looked like a lightning bolt and Christina had a birthmark that was a combination of a lightning bolt and snowflake. Barry and Caitlin exchanged a look thinking that they might have a clue on the powers of the babies will have when they are older.

"Jesse will you tell everyone that we will be out in a minute?" Caitlin asked

"Sure Caitlin." Jesse said

Alex took both babies from Caitlin while Carla helped her into a wheelchair. Carla not wanting her to walk to much until she got some rest. Alex then handed them back to Caitlin. Carla pushed the chair out to the cortex where they saw Oliver, Felicity, Thea, Stein and Sara had joined the others.

"Everyone we would like you to meet our children. Caitlin is holding Charlotte Rose and Christina Joy. I have Crystal Kara Snow-Allen." Barry said

Caitlin could see tears in Kara's eyes.

"Kara, you are very important to both Barry and me. We wanted to show you that to us you are family." Caitlin said

"That is so sweet of you." Kara said

"Would you like to hold her?" Caitlin asked

Kara nodded and took the baby into her arms.

"Just keep those kids from screwing with the timeline. I would rather not have to clean up any mess they make." Sara said

"Sara trust us we don't want another Flashpoint or risk Savitar coming back." Barry said

"Good to know. But they are cute kids. Good thing they take after their mom." Sara said

"Actually Sara, I can see a lot of Barry in Charlotte. Maybe some in Christina too." Caitlin said

"I think Crystal is going to be a lot like her mom." Barry said

"They really are cute kids. Congratulations both of you." Oliver said

"Thanks Ollie." Caitlin said

Everyone left so that Caitlin could get some rest. While Caitlin was sleeping Carla took a few of the cells from the umbilical cords and begins to analyze them. An hour later when Caitlin woke up she laid in the bed with her eyes closed listening to Barry talking to one of the babies.

"Now I already had this talk with your sisters. Crystal, your mom is very special. She hasn't had an easy life. But I am going to be everything I can to make sure she is happy. I need you to try and let her get some rest. You three did not make things easy on her."

Crystal just made a gurgling sound.

"I hope that means you are going to be a good girl." Barry said

"Hey, Barry." Caitlin said smiling at him holding the small baby.

"How do you feel?" Barry asked

"You know the best part about having regenerative abilities?"


"I have already healed from child birth. Is that Crystal?"

"Yeah Charlotte and Christina are both sleeping. I change their diapers while you were sleeping."

"My mom is enjoying being a grandmother."

"Is she still around?"

"Yeah she is in the bio lab. She started to examine the cells."

"Actually I think I found something. Caitlin want to take a look?" Carla asked coming in with a tablet.

Caitlin took the tablet and looked over the test and smiled.

"I will want to run my own set of test to double check. But it looks like these cells will heal Barbara's injury." Caitlin said

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