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"Lana take the last boxes to the moving van we have to go." My mom Jacky shouted from down the stairs.

I hurried and grabbed the boxes from my room and rushed them out of the house and into the already very packed moving van. We climbed into our little car also packed with tons of stuff. The guy driving the moving van began the long drive to our new house about twelve hours away from where I've lived my whole life. I'm not too upset about the move like most teenagers would be. I really didn't have many friends in my school. I was kinda an outcast. My mom blared music on the radio singing away to the few songs she knew. I watched out the window for hours admiring the little bit of scenery that wasn't just a bunch of city buildings. I don't know how long we had been driving but I got tired and ended up taking a nap.

I woke up to see nothing but tall trees and forest around us. It was honestly beautiful. A small clearing between the trees had a small driveway and my mom pulled into it. I saw the moving van parked in the driveway. My mom parked the car and I looked at the cute little building we had pulled up too. It was a cute little two story house. With brown siding and a white fence around it and white trim. It had a little porch in the front with a few chairs. I stepped out of the car stretching my legs. My back popped as I stretched my aching body from being in the car for so long. The air smelled of fresh pine seeing as we were surrounded by tons of trees. The view was honestly breathtaking. I grew up in a small city my whole life; there weren't many trees there.

"Welp home sweet home." My mom shrugged looking at me clearly waiting to see my reaction.

I could tell she thought I would be upset. If i'm honest my mom thought I had lots of friends in my old town but I lied to her. When she thought I was hanging out with friends I would mostly just go to the park and listen to music and draw. I love to draw. I find it relaxing.

"I love it ma its so pretty here!" I smiled.

"Well, do you want to see the inside?" she asked, letting out a breath of relief.

I nodded and we walked up to the front door. She opened the door and it led into a little room with a coat hanger and in the right corner it had a staircase going upstairs. The house smelled kinda like dust. It definitely needed some cleaning but it'll work non the less. Most of our furniture was already moved into the house.

"Your room is upstairs if you would like to take some of your clothes up there and unpack." mom explained as she headed out to get boxes.

I followed behind her, grabbing boxes and placing them inside. We spent hours putting boxes in the house till all of them sat in the beginning room. I grabbed some of the boxes for my room and carried them up the stairs. I opened the first of the two doors at the top. The first was a medium sized bathroom with a shower, toilet, and sink. I continued to the next door that led to my new room. My bed was already placed in the middle and my dresser was placed in a corner. I set my boxes down and started to unpack. After another few hours of unpacking we had most of our house put together. My stomach growled hungrily. I found my mom unpacking the plates and stuff in the kitchen.

"Hey mom, do we have food?" I asked innocently.

"Not yet dear but there is a town I think about twenty minutes away. Do you want to run and get us some food?" She asked.

I nodded my head.

"Don't you want to come?" I asked.

She shook her head no.

"I'm pretty tired. I might just take a small nap while you're out if that's alright?"

"Alright ill bring something back for you." I smiled.

I grabbed her car keys off the table in the kitchen and walked back out to the car. I used my phone for a gps to find the nearest town. Mom was right, it's about twenty minutes away. I began my drive yet again enjoying the view of all the trees. I soon arrived in a small little town and pulled into a small little cafe. I walked in and sat at a little table in the corner by a window. There was tons of people that looked about my age on computers or just sitting at tables talking and laughing. I decided to pull my phone out and my earbuds and listen to some music. I pulled my sketchbook and a pencil out and started to sketch the best I could remember of the woods outside my new house. Then I looked up and a girl about my age was trying to talk to me and watching me. I felt rude and took out my earbuds.

"Hello?" I asked, trying not to sound awkward.

"Hey you look new around here, we don't oftenly see new faces." She smiled friendlily.

"Oh uh yeah I just moved here today actually." I smiled back at her.

"Well my name is trish." She greeted me by holding her hand out to me to shake.

"Im lana." I shook her hand.

"How old are you?" She asked, sitting down with me at my table.

"Seventeen." I answered.

"No way we are almost the same. I'm eighteen." She smiled widely.

"What are you drawing, can I see?" She asked, trying to look at my sketch book.

She looked over my drawing and her jaw dropped.

"That looks so good! Like seriously, it's amazing." She said in awe.

A group of boys walked in the small cafe and looked around instantly, seeing Trish and walking over. She stood up and greeted one of them, pecking him on the lips happily.

"Hey trish, who is this pretty young lady you have with you?" This boy with brown shaggy hair and brown eyes asked looking me up and down.

"Oh Kyle, Josh this is Lana she just moved here Lana this is Kyle my Ma-Boyfriend and my friend Josh." She stuttered over her words for a second.

I nodded my head in greeting.

"Well I should really get going. I gotta get me and my mom some food." I packed my book into my bag and got up from my seat.

"Oh okay well see you around school hopefully." Tish waved goodbye as she got comfortable in Kyle's lap.

I nodded and headed for the door of the cafe not really wanting to get food from here anymore. As I went to walk out the door I bumped shoulders with somebody.

"Sorry." I said looking straight at the ground.

Then I smelled the most delicious scent ever. It was like a mix between pine peppermint and lemon. I looked up to see the most handsome guy I have ever seen. He stood about six foot six which was giant seeing as I am five foot four. He had slicked back jet black hair and gray slightly blue eyes. He was staring back at me intensely.

I felt as though my knees were gonna buckle underneath his gaze. Then he pinned me against the wall by the door and buried his nose into my neck almost as if he was smelling me. I realized the amazing smell was coming from him as it was almost suffocating me at this very moment.

"Mine." He growled.

Wait, did he just growl?! What the heck is he doing? Why am I just standing here letting him?!

I moved from the wall and ducked under his arms, almost sprinting out of the cafe without a word. I got to my car and started looking for a place to get me and my mom food. I was lost for words and wildly confused about what just happened.

Why did he growl? Why did he smell so good? Why was he smelling me? Most importantly why did he say (Mine)!

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