Dereks Goddess

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Name: Demi
Known at work as Demi or SSA Agent Demi star

Ouranos (Through Kronos)
Gaia (Through Kronos)
Kronos (grand Father)
Rhea (grand Mother)
Hades (uncle)
Poseidon (uncle)
Athena (sister)
Eris (Oldest sister With Hera)
Hephaestus (brother with Hera)
Ares (brother with Hera)
Eileithyia (sister with Hera)
Hebe (Youngest sister with Hera)
Artemis (sister with Leto)
Apollo (brother with Leto)
Aiakos, Minos, and Rhadamanthus (brothers with Unknown Mortal)
Dionysus (brother through Semele)
Eros (cousin through Ares)
Storge (cousin through Ares)
Philautia (cousin through Ares)
Mania (cousin through Ares)
Pragma (cousin through Ares)
Agape (cousin through Ares)
Philia (cousin through Ares)
Ludus (cousin through Ares)
Asclepius (cousin through Apollo)
Unnamed cousin (cousin through Eros)
Extended Family:
Amphitrite (aunt through Poseidon)
Persephone (aunt through Hades)
Demeter (aunt )
Hestia (aunt )
Aphrodite(aunt through Hephaestus)
A Horse (name unknown) (cousin through Poseidon)
Poseidon's Son (cousin through Poseidon)



Demi is just like her father Zeus cheeky, not afraid to make remarks and wisecracks at the expense of her brothers. She gets along well with them and appears to care for their best interests, despite her sometimes-crude way of showing it. Demi can be very stubborn, especially when it comes to Derek Morgan and Brother Apollo, the prime example being how Hera treats her brother suspicions concerning Apollo. She is promiscuous, unscrupulous, and frequently honest and loyal when it comes to relationships. She is also incredibly egocentric, taking offense when others do not cater to her father or happen to disagree with her. Hades describes this sensitive and ill-tempered aspect of her personality as "Only Child Syndrome." Though that's not true.


Grand Parents


Kronos is Zeus' father and Demi's grandfather. After Kronos ate Hades and Poseidon in front of her grandmother Rhea, she couldn't bear for her newborn son Zeus to suffer the same fate. She was told to switch Zeus with a boulder to trick Kronos, so that Zeus would be safe and grow up to free his brothers. Eventually he led the war effort against Kronos. Hera, Zeus' girlfriend and future wife, was the most desirable woman at the time, even to Kronos. Because of this, he would use Hera to seduce Kronos and poison him over time, but the plan worked too well for his liking and Zeus became jealous. Zeus later devoured the Titan Metis in order to overpower and defeat his father. After the war was done, Zeus "rewarded" Hades with imprisoning Kronos.


Rhea is Zeus' mother and Demi's grandmother. After Kronos ate Hades and Poseidon in front of her, she couldn't bear for her newborn son Zeus to suffer the same fate. She was told to switch Zeus with a boulder to trick Kronos, so that Zeus would be safe. After many years, Rhea would get to meet Zeus as a young god and reveal to him his origin and his duty to save his brothers and stop Kronos. As she began to enter hibernation, she advised her son to seek Metis, a Titan and fertility goddess who can aid him in his war against Kronos.



Hades is Zeus' oldest brother and one of Demi's uncles. Most of the time, they don't see eye to eye, and Hades is frequently annoyed when Zeus demands him to tag along on his mischief. Zeus was the one who saved Hades, and Poseidon, from their father Kronos and ever since, Hades felt a great deal of gratitude towards his younger brother. It's because of this that Hades puts up with Zeus' behavior in the later years. The three brothers would grow close, but it didn't stop Hades from growing feelings for Hera, Zeus' girlfriend at the time. It's unknown when Zeus and Hera started their relationship and if he was ever aware of a kiss between Hades and Hera when Hades was first saved.

Poseidon is Zeus' older brother and Demi's other uncle, Poseidon appears more agreeable to hangouts with Zeus than Hades is, tagging along with little complaint. The two appear to be closer to each other than to Hades, more knowledgeable of what the other is doing, and more often than not seen with each other. Zeus is aware of how to get his older brother upset as he brought Odysseus to his party and only did as it was entertaining to see Poseidon upset. Poseidon shows disapproval of Zeus acting on his own without his or Hades' input as he believes them supposed to discuss it as a group. When Zeus sends out an arrest warrant on both Persephone and her mother Demeter without Hades or Poseidon's knowledge or consent, both older brothers knew Zeus did it because of his status as "King of the Gods."

The brothers meet again as the trial begins and despite Hades making a public statement that he will not be siding with Zeus during the trial, Poseidon chose to stay by his younger brother's side. When Hades confronts Zeus about a reporter claims about Zeus considering a marriage between Apollo and Persephone, Poseidon is shown to be rather concern about the two brothers fighting yet again. As Zeus tries to defend himself by saying he was only considering it, Poseidon looks at him with disappointment which makes Zeus further defend himself by stating the marriage would not really happen.

As the trial begins, both brothers are rather shocked when Persephone discovers a loophole so that Hades can act as her lawyer. When Hades reveals that Persephone only got her internship after a bet, both brothers agree that it was a legitimate way to gain a job. As Hades angrily goes off on Thanatos, Poseidon asks Zeus if they should stop but Zeus says the scene was entertaining. When Thetis arrives after Thanatos' testimony with a cursed Minthe to show the court, Zeus forgot who Minthe was which resulted in Poseidon in reminding him that Minthe was Hades' ex. Their relationship becomes strained after Persephone's forceful banishment and according to Poseidon, Persephone herself is the closest thing the Underworld would have as Hades's queen after realizing that Zeus has shouldn't done that.

Love interest:Derek Morgan

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