Chapter 1: The Blue Rose Incubus

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Blue roses and thorns that pierces his soul

Isagi Yoichi had always been haunted by dreams, night after night, he found himself trapped in these unsettling dreams that twisted his nights into a tormenting ordeal. His nightmares filled with deformed and grotesque creatures and morbid scenarios, while his desires, often lurking within his consciousness, were filled with utmost desirable lust and fantasies that made him different from the average human. But there was one recurring figure in his dreams that confused him– a tall, blonde with blue highlights, and an enigmatic man whose whole face remained hidden, his mouth and fangs, his only visible features but there was something about this man that made Isagi completely attracted and drawn towards him, he wants to feel his lips and touch all over his body. One thing that stood out the most is the man's blue roses intertwined with thorns tattoo, it was a striking mark, a symbol that holds a deeper meaning. He is clueless on who this man is, he has never seen this tattoo in the real world, but in his dreams, it was a constant reminder of the man that continuously visits him every single night. Why has this mysterious man kept on visiting him in his dream? What is he? Who is he?

Every time he awoke, there on his stomach, there was the dreaded mark– a blue rose and thorns, the same symbol that has haunted him in his dreams. It felt as if the man had left a piece of himself behind that pierced Isagi's skin, a twisted reminder and calling that signals Isagi that he was being marked, that he was being hunted by some supernatural creature. Though after a couple of hours the mark will disappear on its own but it will reoccur once he dreamt about that man again.

As Isagi's nightmare began, so did his encounter with the enigmatic man. And one momentous night, amidst the chaos of his dream, the nameless man finally introduced and revealed himself as an incubus. "Michael Kaiser," he said, his voice speaking in a ravishing tone. "Remember it well, Yoichi, because you'll be saying that name often, for I will haunt your dreams, night after night." Isagi's heart pounded as he never believed in incubi nor he had ever expected himself to have an encounter with a demon. A realm of his nightmares, a place beyond his consciousness was held dominion by the incubus, Michael Kaiser.

'Roses of despair' is a marking for an incubus that feeds on lust and nightmares and Michael Kaiser has that mark on his neck, the blue roses deceptively beautiful, representing the seductive allure he used to prey weak humans to his trap. The thorns that come beneath it, represents the torment and suffering that would follow.

The crown tattoo that connects beautifully to the blue roses marking on his right hand added another appeal to the incubus. In the realm of Isagi's nightmare, it stood as a symbol of the demon's dominant nature over Isagi's dreams. As if he was the king of Isagi's dream world.

As Michael Kaiser drew closer, his voice echoed through the dream world. "Welcome to my domain, Yoichi. Here your fear and desires are my playthings, you're all mine. Your lust is my favorite," he spoke with a menacing grin on his face.

"What do you mean? What do you want from me?" Isagi's heart quivers loudly in his chest as he takes a step back from the demon.

Kaiser's lips curled into a sinister smile that perfectly revealed his sharp fangs. "You'll see one day, Yoichi," Kaiser had said, and Isagi's first name that escaped out of the demon's lips sent chills down his spine. Who is Michael Kaiser, what does he actually mean by those words?

The sinister encounter with the incubus that has haunted his dreams for months, has left Isagi shaken to his core. The demon's face is still hidden, his face hasn't been revealed yet but just the sight of his lips and fangs were able to make Isagi's legs tremble. Kaiser's smile spoke of malevolence and a dark, insatiable hunger.

As Isagi abruptly awoke from the nightmare, he gasped heavily for air. He sat up in bed, his heart beating rapidly, his mind filled with unanswered questions. The dream ended quicker than usual, leaving him a sense of disorientation and an uneasy feeling that rang after he had opened his eyes. And Isagi couldn't shake the feeling that there's more to Kaiser than meets the eye.

He looked under his shirt, his gaze thrifted down to his stomach and there it was– the haunting blue rose and thorns marking, etched onto his skin just like his other previous mornings. He couldn't shake off the uneasy feeling, Isagi's mind raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. Why did the marking keep appearing on his stomach? What did it mean, is there any connection with the incubus? Those questions remained unanswered, his interest for the incubus deepened.


Isagi's university routine was disrupted by the news of a German man, a new student, who was set to join his class. The excitement and interests filled the class' air as the rumors about the newcomer's charm and popularity spread like flames of fire. The mysterious foreigner had already made an amazing impression on the university community before even stepping foot into the campus. All eyes were on the classroom door as the mystery student was expected to walk in through the door, making a grand entrance.

As the door swung open, there he was– the tall and handsome newcomer, stepping into the room with an aura that piqued everyone's interest– the aura of confidence that successfully drew everybody's attention. He was as charismatic as it stated in the gossip, he had a magnetic presence that seemed to be as effective in reality as it was in the rumors. He effortlessly befriended his classmates within seconds, his charisma, his looks, he was perfect.

But as Isagi's eyes landed on the newcomer, a shiver ran down his spine. The tall German man bore a perfect resemblance to the man from his nightmares– the Blue Rose Incubus, Michael Kaiser. The similarities were unreal, from his handsome features to the aura that he carries around him. However, there was a key difference that set apart the new student from the creature from Isagi's dreams. Instead of horns and fangs, he appeared as an ordinary human. The man has a beautiful pair of dark blue eyes while the demon's face was hidden entirely. Yet, what sent chills down Isagi's spine was the unique and unmistakable presence of the tattoo– the blue roses and thorns that adorned the German man's arm and neck, marking exactly like the sinister incubus in Isagi's nightmare.

Isagi was having trouble concentrating on his lessons as he couldn't take his gaze off the newcomer, unable to get his eyes off the man whose features were uncanny from the incubus from Isagi's nightmare. There was something indescribable, a fascination and attraction that Isagi had towards this German man, an aura of intrigue that made Isagi closer, even if it filled him with a sense of anxiety. Was this man only a look alike, a doppelganger of his nightmare pursuer? Or was there something more to play?

Though, Isagi's determined gaze didn't go unnoticed by the German newcomer. As the class continued, the feeling of uneasiness between them seemed to intensify. The German man couldn't help but sense that someone's eyes were fixed on him, and that someone was Isagi.

As the mysterious man felt the weight of Isagi's stare, he turned his own piercing eyes towards Isagi, in somewhat a challenging manner. The German man's facial expression shifted, his features warped slightly as if he were irritated or bothered by Isagi's presence inspection. However, just when Isagi thought the situation would be confrontational, something unexpected happened. The German man's expression changed once more, this time to one of relief and a smile spread across his face.

The sudden change left Isagi feeling weirded out and confused. He couldn't comprehend why the German man had gone from what seemed an irritated expression to a friendly smile in a matter of seconds. It was as though something changed or lightened his mood completely. Isagi's curiosity piqued but so was his caution.


After the class, as Isagi gathered his belongings and ready to leave, he couldn't help but notice that the German man was persistently trying to grab his attention. It was as though the stranger was trying to make a connection and engage with him in a conversation in some way. As Isagi glanced over to the man, he noticed that the man was approaching him with a friendly and cheeky smile, the same smile as before that replaced the earlier expression of irritation. Isagi was still cautious about this German man, whose face looked too similar to the incubus in his dream.

The man noticed Isagi's cautious look, he seemed to find it amusing " Woah there... I don't bite, y'know?" he chuckled as he left a teasing smirk all over his face, his tone was playful.

"I hope not," Isagi replied, laughing awkwardly afterwards, his response laced with nervousness.

"The name's Michael Kaiser and you?" The man said as he introduced himself casually. His words made Isagi tremble as he couldn't believe what he had just heard. It was the same name as the blue rose incubus who taunts him every night, that very entity that had marked him with the sinister tattoo. This has to be a coincidence, right? All of this has to be just a mere coincidence, it has to be. 

Isagi stands in front of Kaiser in disbelief. "M-Michael Kaiser?" Isagi replied, as his mind is filled with conflicting emotions– fear, curiosity and dread. The line between his dreams and reality became weirdly thin. 

This maybe a one-shot story only.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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