You Already Know You're Dead (Ironic, 'Cus Your Uniform's Red)

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Title from: Blow! by Tyler The Creator (cw rape/murder). Click the arrow above for the moodboard!

25.5k words, 3rd Person from Ryo's POV

Relationships: Ryo/Amagai

SummaryAll Ryo has of his mother, and of him and his mom at all, is the polaroid resting on the poor excuse of a nightstand in his ratty bedroom; she is beaming with happiness in the picture, posed with a peace sign in the air, one of her legs kicked up, and her other arm supporting her large baby bump.

All Ryo has of his dad is the calloused remarks and sharp distance, scoffs at him and his old childlike desires for care, bitterness as he demands more from Ryo, the person who stole his wife away.

In that sense, Ryo was primed from the beginning to be treated the way he is. It began before he could even pinpoint it, a small seed so deep inside of them that grew into an invasive vine, consuming him whole.

Amagai's brief affections and the memories of Kohei, his old friend, merged together, blending into an attraction that could only serve to hurt him long term. Amagai knew what to say to make his heart pound and used it to his advantage, building his loyalty until it was unshakable.

Amagai knew how to toy with him, Amagai knew how to tangle Ryo in his clutches, and so, he did.

Warnings: Suzaki needs a hug, unhappy ending, hurt/no comfort, childhood trauma/past child abuse, unrequited love, onesided attraction, unconditional love, gaslighting, angst, emotional hurt/comfort, essentially domestic abuse at points, friends with benefits (the friends part is iffy), loss of virginity, non-explicit/implied sexual content, post-canon, chess/movie analogies, ryos mom is dead and his dad is very bad, suzaki-centric


All Ryo has of his mother, and of him and his mom at all, is the polaroid resting on the poor excuse of a nightstand in his ratty bedroom; she is beaming with happiness in the picture, posed with a peace sign in the air, one of her legs kicked up, and her other arm supporting her large baby bump.

All Ryo has of his dad is the calloused remarks and sharp distance, scoffs at him and his old childlike desires for care, bitterness as he demands more from Ryo, the person who stole his wife away.

In that sense, Ryo was primed from the beginning to be treated the way he is. It began before he could even pinpoint it, a small seed so deep inside of them that grew into an invasive vine, consuming him whole.


Flashes of Ryo's early childhood in his mind are blurred by time and meaninglessness to him, when those moments are really everything.

His childhood is flashes of crying, pleading, confusion, abandonment, all in succession.

His childhood is flashes of his father lashing out at him, yelling, anger, fear, sadness.

His childhood is flashes of harsh words being spat at him, a rhetoric being brewed since before Ryo could even so much as process it.

His childhood is flashes of moving vans, sold possessions and open beer bottles.

His childhood is flashes of grief, tearing apart a mourning man and the world bringing him down further.

The flashes, pictures, when stitched together, form a video. A video reflects a life. Ryo's video is bleak.

It is greyed, the sound of a child crying, pleading for attention only to go ignored, staring up with teary eyes at a father who looked back with ones filled with contempt.

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