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The Elder, Voloxern and most Eldritch beings of the outer worlds claim to have never seen the beginning of the world, science has concluded that it was simply a Big Bang where everything came into existence all at once. I've read of such phenomena in fantasy and fiction books, but I suppose fantasy writers, for all their silliness, have their imagination and show some progress in their thought process.

My journey to The Outer was a long and treacherous one, it is truly one of the most fascinating experiences I believe to have happened to me and with me. Meeting with The Oddity was a scary thing to set up. Meeting with one of the oldest things alive was exhilarating. She was the mother of the multiverse as far as I am concerned. For my own safety, I had to be blindfolded the entire trip there. Supposedly seeing many of the Outer's inhabitants could drive me insane, as it had many mortals before me. Many failed to heed this warning and paid the price.

According to Lyraeth, The Oddity, the beginning was akin to waking up from a long dream and she had witnessed the expansion of this 'thing' that she couldn't understand or fathom. Something that we humans have no concept of. No possibility to imagine such a power. Truly, remarkable if she is telling the truth. Other creatures, things no mortal could fathom, other entities appeared alongside her, watching the gradual furthering of our multiverse. "It was a great length of time alone before another spawned from seemingly nothing. We were not alive but sentient. Much different to how it feels to be now. Longer durations of nothingness until it finally began changing, big changes at that. It feels now like it was not more than a few seconds before the Astral plane and Outer were formed, more entities that were like me began to flock there" I cannot imagine being in such a situation, much is the point of it being unfathomable. "With that, we gained 'families' and slowly learned the feeling of living. Over many years we grew consciences, feelings, and emotions. Many had attempted to create a physical plane, but truthfully, they all failed. We lost many to the cause. Even lost entire branches of family like the Primordial family. Their eldest, Tystaka, wished to wage war upon us in The Outer. He came to talk with me directly. He never returned home. I suspect Primordial involvement."

The Oddity only had around 20 minutes free for me to speak with her, and so I asked her what happened in the Rebellion, Was Voloxern evil? Were the Rebels? What was the motivation for turning on the Elder Primordials like Voloxern and Tystaka. I asked her to explain the story as she understood it. "As I understand it? Well. From my knowledge, there had been unrest between the Elders and the Rebels for some time, with the Rebels wanting war on The Outer. The Elders rejected it. Voloxern had, supposedly, been the one who stopped Tystaka from returning after declaring war against me. She and all the younger 'Elder' Primordials were against starting the war between The Outer and the Astral planes. I was and still am entirely against a war, Tystaka was for it, and instead of listening to his siblings, he decided to declare such matters himself. I believe Voloxern to have killed him. Once the second generation of Primordials, or The Grandchildren as the Elders would say, caught wind of Voloxern's betrayal and thus turned on them all."

She had to cut our conversation short after I asked her that question. I was escorted back into my 'hotel' room where I could take my blindfold off. 

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