Chapter 7

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The Council was on its way to deal with not only Michael's problems but with Ashton running loose again.

Luke was terribly upset about Ashton just storming out the previous night. Plus he had heard Michael talking to Crystal and confirming that there is another body that the murderer claimed but either there was a copycat or he changed his tactics. As this one had a wooden dagger in his heart and his neck was snapped. Luke was also going to ask if shape-shifters really existed as Ashton claimed, because Michael would have known. As Michael was very involved with the Council and everyone knew they knew everything.

Luke had decided before Michael was to busy he would go ask about his predicament. But Calum was with Michael in his office and little did they know Mali Koa was not in the coroner's office anymore but wondering around town. "Um, Michael can I have a word with you, alone please." Luke asked. "What do want now, Luke? Is it something to do with the clubs?" Michael asked Luke. "Well not really. It's more advice about things that you know about." Luke replied. "What do you mean?" Michael asked curiously. "I want to know about certain things that only you can answer for me." Luke replied. "Oh, ok then. Calum can you please go and take a quick seat in the VIP section of the club, where I showed you yesterday, we won't be long." Michael said. "Well let's hear what this is all about." Michael said as Calum left them alone. "Um-um, is there such things as shape-shifters?" Luke blutered out. Michael frowned. "As far as I know that is a stupid myth. That the vampire prince made up. Why are you asking?" Michael inquired. "Yeah, well, about that vampire prince. He is in town and we have met him, supposedly." Luke informed him. "What?! Who?! When?! Where?!" Michael exegerated. "Ashton is the prince. I saw him chatting with no remorse towards Mr Malik last night. Asked what happened and he told me everything at my house. Even about the whole shape-shifters thing and how Mr Malik had him believing that he was human." Luke confessed. "I don't know what you just told me is the truth but, there is only one way to find out. Find Ashton and don't tell him that the Council will be here tonight. Just let him know that you want to see him at the club tonight. Then I can confirm it in front of them as to what he says is true." Michael explained his plan to Luke.

Meanwhile Ashton was wondering around town. And bumped into Moose by accident in her human form. "Moose, you know if my dad sees you like this in town that you are going to be in trouble, and get punished." Ashton insisted. "Yes, but I have spoken to Duke and our Queen is staying in this town. I have something to ask her about you." Moose replied. "Why? What do you need to ask her about me? You can just ask me if you want to know anything about me." Ashton insisted. "You don't understand, you are not actually supposed to be able to see us in our human formation unless we so will it. You see your dad knows about us as he has a agreement with our Queen. She is the only one that can tell me why without us having to will it that you know about our true formation." Moose explained. "So do you think that she will be ok if I may come with you and find out for sure myself as well. So that everyone can stop calling me crazy." Ashton said. "Sure I don't see why she would have a problem. She is at the police station acting as a detective apparently." Moose said. "Wait. What exactly is her name?" Ashton asked before they were about to enter the police station. "Um, Queen Crystal. Why? Do you know her?" Moose asked. "I have not really met her but, have heard about her from my lover that is all." Ashton insisted. "Ok then I will go inside and ask to talk to her here outside while you wait for us here. How does that sound. I am sure you don't want the whole town making fun of you. Especially if they are non believers." Moose insisted as she entered the police station. The next thing Crystal appeared outside with Moose by her side. "Welcome my dear, Aren." Crystal said looking at an angry Ashton. "What did you just call me? I don't go by that name anymore! It's Ashton now." Ashton insisted. "I know but your parents called you Aren and that is what your mother used to call you is it not?" Crystal asked. "What do you mean my mother? Nobody talks about her since her death. And how did you know her. I can't remember ever meeting you?" Ashton inquired. "Well I have something to actually tell you that will be of interest to you about your ability to see us in true form." Crystal said. "Well?... What is it?" Ashton asked interested at what he was about to learn hoping he can then make everyone believe that he is not crazy, but more than anything Luke believe that he isn't going nuts. "You my dear are my nephew. Your mother is a shape-shifter and the day that she 'died', she decided to change into her animal state and flee from your father because he wanted to kill her without him realizing it. You unfortunately might have the same problem. You're a hybrid half vampire, half shape-shifter. That is all the information that I can give you for now but we can always chat later about other things. I know you have questions. Go now my dear Ashton and Moose. And Moose don't you repeat what you heard about Ashton today, to anyone please. He will be in danger." Crystal explained.

Ashton had taken a long walk through town and the woods outside of town, thinking about everything that Crystal had just told him. 'Was he a shape-shifter and vampire all these years? Why did he not have the urge for blood until he got turned. How did he age then if he had vampire blood running in his veins. Does this mean he is royalty in two species. What would happen if he explained all of this to his father or Luke?' Was what he was thinking when someone tapped him on his shoulder. He spun around thinking it was either Crystal or Moose that wanted to see how he was doing, but just to see a nervous Luke standing in front of him. "What do you want? Have you not thrown enough insults at me?" Ashton growled. "I-I, I‐uh, I am sorry for freaking out and saying all of those things to you, ok." Luke said nervously. "Yeah right, but you better not do that again. I am just like you. Except with a stupid title and stuff." Ashton insisted. "So do you think you want to join me at Club Teeth for a drink to apologize?" Luke asked trying to seem nice. "Sure you can just be lucky I need a drink today." Ashton said. So him and Luke made their way to the club. And neither knew what was going to happen when they got there as secrets where going to be revealed all round.....

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