Fly and Let Go

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~Just something I needed off my chest~


As a little girl, surrounded by a world of rainbows and smiles, I knew nothing of hurt. My parents were my heroes, unbreakable and always sure. And if ever upset, playing with the other little boys and girls was my cure. With my pigtails swinging, and my pleated skirt, I was on top of the world, even if in reality, it was a mere mound of dirt. In that moment, I would look up to the sky and spread my arms out wide, knowing that if I really wanted to, I could fly.

As the years came faster, and the number of candles on my birthday cake grew, I learned the weight of the world, and disappointment I never wanted to. My parents, no longer perfect, but flawed, were something I became unsure of, especially once they were separated in the eyes of the law. And whenever I needed saving, I could no longer turn to the other boys and girls, because it was me they were hating. But after those days filled with teasing and abuse, there was one thing I could be sure of, enough to cut me loose. I knew when I stood there, peering up at the sky with my arms spread wide, that if I really wanted to, I could fly.

As the years keep slipping, and my knowledge grows, I learn to care not for my childhood foes. Old problems seem minuscule, and I experience new lows, but I know it is something that I chose. Now, despite my best efforts to remain the opposite of weak, I find my outlook is becoming impossibly bleak. Suddenly, I find myself wondering where it all went. The giggles and blushing, and all that childhood meant. So I pack it all away, on one especially hard day, and drive myself back to a place I once strayed. It all comes back in the blink of an eye, and suddenly I'm standing there, facing the sky. My arms are spread as far as can be, and as I look up, clouds are all I see. And in that moment, for sure I know, that if I really wanted to, I could fly and let go.











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