Untitled Part 1

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Subject: Concern Regarding Staff Attitude and Editorial Process

To the St. John Youth Office,

I am writing to bring to your attention a matter concerning the attitude of one of the staff members towards the entire project. As cadets, I understand that it is considered offensive and impolite to complain about a particular person within the team. I also acknowledge that my current actions may be deemed inappropriate. However, upon reflection, I realize that I must voice my concerns in order to make a positive difference and contribute to making St. John a better place.

We all understand that effective communication is key to improvement. When a problem arises, it is important for individuals to express their concerns and work together to address the issues at hand. While one person may not be able to solve a problem alone, the collective power of people united can be extraordinary. This fundamental idea is widely known, and it is crucial to act upon it.

A problem can be likened to a small crack in a pipe. If left unattended, this seemingly insignificant crack can lead to a catastrophic explosion. Therefore, after generations of silence and hesitation, I have decided to be the first to speak up, show my concern, and bring about change. I am determined to raise awareness and shed light on the existing problem.

I have devised a plan to ensure that both parties involved, including the person being complained about and the complainant, do not face an unhappy outcome. It is essential to approach the matter with the utmost respect. Hence, I am submitting this email anonymously. I assure you that I will focus on presenting factual observations rather than solely criticizing an individual's perceived personality flaws, which are subjective and lack clear evidence.

During the debriefing section of the recent RYC trip, we were instructed to create a booklet as a reflection of our experiences. One of the responsible individuals designated a cadet as the main editor for this publication. However, an obstacle has hindered the publication process-the lack of participation from one of the responsible staff members. Since every member who participated in the trip is part of the team, it is crucial that all individuals be included in the booklet. I have come to realize that we cannot ignore this problem and allow it to fester in the shadows. Attempts have been made to communicate with the staff member in question, including myself and the editor. However, the response I received was that he is not available to write the foreword for the booklet.

Perhaps the editor himself has not lodged a formal complaint regarding this issue, and it may not be my place to speak up at this moment. However, I strongly believe that it is necessary to bring this problem to light. If the editor himself has not noticed or spoken up about it, then we should not remain idle. Instead, we should take action ourselves if we genuinely care about the events unfolding around us and still possess the passion to effect change. We need to be passionate about setting things right and improving our circumstances.

Firstly, writing a foreword should not require much time and effort, certainly no more than composing this letter of concern. If the staff member is facing difficulties, he should voice his concerns and seek assistance. It is perfectly acceptable to admit when one does not possess a particular skill. As a Chinese proverb attributed to Confucius suggests, "It is not an insult to ask a person who is younger for guidance." If he were to ask for help, we would gladly offer our assistance. As I mentioned earlier, effective communication is the key to success within a team. I recently watched a lecture by Jocko Willink, a former SEAL commander, on critical leadership skills, and he emphasized the importance of leaders communicating with their team members. With this in mind, I am writing here to foster a culture of open communication and break the silence.

Secondly, I sense a lack of commitment from the staff member toward the entire editorial process. In addition to the previously mentioned issue, it appears that he is unwilling to engage in the subsequent tasks. It is as if, once the competition and the trip are over, everything else is inconsequential. However, we all recognize that this is not the case. After each journey, it is crucial to reflect, reconsider, and improve. The process matters, as does the knowledge we gain. Life is a continuous learning experience, irrespective of age. In every undertaking, there are valuable lessons to be learned. The task was assigned with a purpose-to encourage introspection and personal growth. Those who genuinely care about their development will exhibit enthusiasm and motivation when reflecting on their experiences. It is not that the explanation of "I am not available to write" is unacceptable, and I am open to considering a proposed deadline extension. What is unacceptable, however, is an attitude that displays a lack of respect for the project as a whole. Though some outsiders or even ourselves may perceive it as mere spectacle, basic audience etiquette dictates that we respect the stage and the actors. Even if it is a show and everything is entertaining, let it be a good one-a comedy rather tragedy.

Outsiders could tease, laugh or mock this show, but there's one person who couldn't the actor himself. If not, than he is not eligible to be this in stage.

To conclude, I am writing this latter in the hopes that I could change (no matter how powerless I might be) the situation of not communicating and running out of passion, but not pointing towards a certain person because of his personality flaws and my irrational emotions towards him. Not a lot of people will speak up like I did, but I am sure that if a person have determination to change, they could do that too, and as I've noticed the next Ryc is going to be held in Hong Kong, I think it's time for us to make a change, to improve and find a find a better person, a passionate leader and a eligible actor in this stage to make Hong Kong St John a better place and also to leave a good impression to the audience in the following Ryc. It doesn't matter if one is experienced or not, but what matters is rather one have a heart to strive. An example is that although I am comparingly new here, and I might not even know the (concealed) rules around here, as long as I have a determination to change, I would show my courage and point out the improvements and impediments we had currently.

Thank you for taking a time to read my email.


Thunder Wonder

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