Part 1

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It's funny how life can change in a matter of moments. I went from being within reach of my goals to not knowing if I would ever play hockey again. Who knew your whole life could change with just three words?

​Hi, my name is Connor McDavid. Yeah, yeah to all you hockey fans, the next Wayne Gretzky or Sidney Crosby, but trust me I'm so much more than that. Most people seem to judge me on what I do on the ice and that's okay, but no one really knows the real story behind the first overall National Hockey League draft pick of 2015.
​Ever since I can remember, I've been playing hockey. The minute I step on the ice, the world disappears and I am free to just be me and no longer have to think just react. To some, hockey is just a game but to me, it is so much more. You see I don't remember my parents but I've been told that my mom and dad both played hockey, and when I'm on the ice I feel like they're with me.

​I grew up in an amazing hockey family with two big sisters and an amazing older brother. After my parents were killed in a car crash when I was three, my dad's friend Tie adopted me. If you're a Toronto Maple Leafs fan I'm sure you recognize that name and before you ask, yes Tie Domi is my dad. I grew with the Domi family, and Max, Tie's son, is my best friend.
​I have been very quiet and reserved off the ice. I would rather lead by example and never went out of my way to make friends and would rather spend time by myself. That is until I met Emily. She's just like me, quiet and awkward off the ice but as a goalie, speaks volumes at the rink. There are defiantly times when I think she's nuts, stopping slat shots with her face and all, but she's perfect. We can sit together and not talk about anything, yet know exactly what we mean. When the Erie Otters drafted me, my dad moved to Erie with me and I met Emily that summer. We just clicked and have been dating for almost four years now.
​I felt like everything was going perfect. I had an amazing girlfriend, Max and I were closer than ever and I was months away from achieving my greatest goal, being drafted into the National Hockey League. But life can never be perfect. Just when I thought everything was going to work out, everything started to change.
​It all started in London, Ontario in early November. The team was at the end of a three game road trip and I was excited to see Max again, he's the captain of the London Knights. I got to stay with Max when we played in London and couldn't wait to see him again. When the bus pulled up to the hotel, I grabbed my bag and dragged my feet to Max's truck, exhausted. It was only about nine but for some reason I was exhausted. Has I climbed into the truck, I could feel Max's eyes on me.
"Are you ok?" he asked.
I gave him a small smile and nodded.
"Just tired for some reason."
He reached over and felt my forehead before nodding.
Desperately trying to change the subject I asked, "How have you been?"
"Good," he replied. "Levels have been good recently."
You see Max is a type one Diabetic. He was diagnosed when I was nine and we have been almost inseparable ever since. He is my inspiration and motivation. He's showed me how to live my life and not to let anything stand in my way.

​ The tiredness from that day never seemed to fade, but only got worse. I even had to miss a few games because I didn't feel well enough to play.
​A few weeks later, my nose started to bleed on and off. It was never to bad just annoying really. That is until one day in English class. I was working on a project with Emily, when my nose started to bleed and wouldn't stop. By the time it had my dad was already in the office, waiting to pick me up. When we got home, I felt fine, like nothing had ever happened.
​The next morning I woke up to the feeling of someone sitting down on m bed. I rolled over and was met with an elbow to the face. Knowing it could only be one person I smiled.
"Why aren't you in London?" I asked Max.
"Fractured my foot," he mumbled into one of my pillows.
I nodded in understanding before feeling really nauseous. I quickly shot out of bed and ran to the washroom.
After what felt like forever, I finally caught my breath and leaned back against Max.
"We're going to the hospital. This isn't normal," dad said from the doorway.
​Max nodded and helped me get changed so we could leave. I felt so sick; It wasn't like anything I had ever felt before.
​When we got to the hospital, I was sent into test after test. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I found myself sitting on a bed leaning against Max. The door opened and in walked a doctor with a grim look on his face. I frowned and leaned further into Max as dad stood and shook his hand.
​The doctor sighed before saying, "I'm really sorry but Connor, the news isn't very good; although, I promise you it could be worse." Max wrapped his arm around me before the doctor continued, "I am very sorry to inform you that you have stage one Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia."
​I felt like my world had stopped. Cancer? How could I have cancer?
"What do we do now?" Max asked.
" I suggest four weeks of chemotherapy, two weeks off and then another four weeks of radiation therapy," he replied looking over at me.
"When can I play hockey again?" was my only question.
"Lets get through treatment first," dad said sending me a small smile.
"When can I start treatment then?" I asked next.
"I was thinking January 24th, you would be done chemo by the end of February and radiation by mid April," the doctor answered.
I smiled over at Max, "I could play in the Memorial Cup."
​For those who don't know, the Memorial Cup is what the top junior team in Canada is rewarded, our version of the Stanley Cup.
"If you make it, I'll be there cheering for you," Max smiled.
​ Max pulling off the bed and into a hug pulled me out of my thoughts.
"We can do this Conn. I got you and we can do this. Nothing is going to stop you from getting drafted and growing up on my watch. Promise me you will never give up."
"I promise Maxy," I mumbled into his chest, smiling slightly as he laughed at the nickname I had given him when I was three.
​I wasn't so sure about life anymore. How could everything change so quickly? I lay in bed that night just thinking about all that could go wrong. I was pulled out of my thoughts as Max crawled in next to me.
"Everything happens for a reason, kiddo. We can do this and in six months you WILL be drafted. Believe in yourself, I know I do."
​Max's words stuck with me. Whenever treatment became too much or I felt like I was ready to give up, I remembered that Max believed in me and that was all I needed.

​ That season the Erie Otters only lost two games in the playoffs and were the first team to secure a spot in the Memorial cup tournament. I wasn't healthy enough to play all five games but my team made sure we made it to the finals. That game we won 9-0 and somehow I got 4 goals. I have won many tournaments in my lifetime but this one was so much more. I looked into the crowed and saw Max giving me a thumbs up with tears in his eyes. When I thought it couldn't get any better, I was given the player of the tournament. I had only played one game, but I guess that game left an impact. Nothing can ever stand in the way of my dreams and me.

​Like Max had promised, I was drafted that summer. As I walked onto the stage to shake hands with the commissioner of the NHL, Gary Bettman, I herd a voice behind me that seemed familiar. I turned around and following me to the stage was my team. I smiled and look back onto the stage, and there ready to hand me my jersey was Max.
"I told you we could do it."

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