The Scorpion's Sweet Words

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((The main Inspo for this whole one-shot was this song and my crazy ass thinking, ya he would just flirt with you to get back to his brother.))

You never knew why you even came to this event. Sure, it's not like you had known things would have ended this way. Alone, drink in hand as the nobles and other magic knights danced and laughed all around the golden palace. You watched as your idiot teammate and crush flirted with every girl he saw. A part of you knew he was just like that and somehow it was a part of his charm. Yet, the alcohol in your veins had brought up that twisted green devil back to play. A snake was a perfect descriptor for this emotion as it hissed venom into your ear. Every time he'd laugh while grabbing another woman closer to him while they giggled at his teasing. A dreadful pit had formed in your stomach at the sight. You looked around trying to find your other teammates. Vanessa was having a drinking competition, Noelle was reconnecting with her family, Asta was speaking with his rivals, Luck, Magna, and Zora were nowhere in sight, and Grey and Gauche were in the corner. You didn't want to disturb any of them. Not even Captain Yami was available as he spoke with the rest of the captains.

Air. Yes, that's what you needed air. After taking another drink you rush out of the blinding fake lights into the comfort of darkness. The moon's full true glow was far more pleasant and comforting. You look up at the stars and at first, the millions of spots feel warm. As if there were millions of angels watching over this silly little world. But soon that thought turns bitter. Not because you don't believe it. But because you had told him about it once. It was a cool night just like this one under the diamond sky except instead at a stuffy party you were on the open rooftop of the black bull's base. He laid next to you, flirting as always but after a while he became genuine. And so Had you. Sharing secrets for only the moon to hear. And for a moment you believed him when he called you beautiful. Since then, you believed your relationship had grown stronger. Both of you had become more confident in your abilities to fight and support your teammates. The both of you had shared many moments away from everyone, just the two sharing and melding memories. There was a spark, at least you had felt it. But what's the point of chasing a man who could never focus on just one person? Tears fell down your cheeks, you made no attempt to wipe them. Instead, you focused on the awful burn down your throat as you chugged the rest of your drink. Without warning the balcony door clicks open and shuts. Your heart skips a beat as a smile forms on your lips as you turn around expectingly. Only for the joy to drain away.

"What are YOU doing here?" Instead of turning around or getting upset like a normal person the intruder calmly came closer. He even had the audacity to grin as his blue eyes scanned your body head to toe and back.

"Just wanted to tell you how stunning that green dress looks. It quite suits you. Y/N was it? I'm Langris Vaude but I think you already knew that."

"I highly doubt that's the real reason you'd approach me."

"Oh and she's clever what a catch you are miss Y/N. I'm surprised you're out here all alone, and not with older brother perhaps?" Anger flashes in your eyes at his words and quickly you step forward in front of him with barely any distance.

"If you think you can get under my skin you're out of luck because in order to do that I need to care about your opinions." The harsh words spilled out, but he did not flinch nor did his cocky smile fade.

"Don't worry your skin isn't the one I want to get under tonight dear~" His expression was sweet but the way the pet name rolled off his tongue was nothing but fake.

"So, what do you want?"

"I want us to help each other. You see, it's obvious that you have a crush on my older brother. But honestly, that man is so dense he can barely appreciate the beauty right in front of him so I thought we could give him a...push in the right direction."

"And how exactly do you plan to do that?"

"You use me. Talk with me, drink with me, dance with me, you could even touch me if you want. It's bound to get his attention, petty family rivalry, and all that. And once you've got his attention you can sweep in tomorrow to claim your reward." His voice was soft as he whispered the words into your ear, yet you hadn't missed those sharp eyes that pierced into your soul.

"And what do you get out of this?" For once that smirk had left his lips as he thought about the answer. Soon his gaze was back on your form as he undressed you with his eyes slowly leaving a shiver down your spine. When his eyes had landed on your face once more, he stopped to look at your lips.

"A day with you, of course."

You didn't know why you said yes when you knew he was lying. You didn't know it was possible for him to make you laugh. Maybe it was all the drinks you shared that night. However, that doesn't explain the fact you didn't mind it when his hands roamed too far down during a dance. Or the fact you let him kiss you both in public and behind closed doors. But one thing you know for sure is that it wasn't Finral's name you screamed in pleasure that night. 

((1003 words!! This fic is actually super short for what I normally do but I also made it late at night when I was supposed to be asleep lol. If I get a burst of inspo this One-Shot will turn into a very short story. I hoped you enjoyed!! Currently I'm working on a Magna x Fem!Reader X Luck that one is going to be a long one tho so don't get your hopes up. But God dame it if I can't find long good fics with those two I'll just make one!! I'm also making a YTTD One-shot book if anyone here is interested keep your eyes peeled)) 

The Scorpion's Sweet Words (Langris x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now