Bloody Wings

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Aziraphale felt his wings start to burn as he plummeted down into the sky, Tears and screams consumed him, and the only thought crowding his mind was 'Crowley' 

I forgave him how stupid I should've just stayed with them. Now I am cursed to live amongst the demons. I was supposed to help and all they did was trick me How could they, They were never the good guys we were wolves in sheep's clothing. Demons weren't as evil as the Archangels liked to say. 

Aziraphale smashed against the ground falling into a sandpit that started to collapse on itself, They took deep frantic breaths and fell down the hole their lungs starting to burn like an internal fire, their eyes red and watery from the sand pushing in, it felt like he was sinking for minutes before he fell and hit soft dirt his wings now charred the fire being suffocated out from the sand. They coughed and wheezed throwing up what little they had left inside of their stomach, and with the sand that fell out of their mouth blood followed.

Aziraphale screamed and cried his tears now burning his face and leaving nasty scarring behind. He clawed at his cheeks and as one rash decision, they rubbed dirt all over his face to soak up the water streaming from his eyes. 

His wings were nothing now, all the feathers had been destroyed; all that was left now was the blackened skin on his wings, Aziraphale looked up "How could you! You let them do this to me!" he slammed their fists on the ground feeling the deep cuts now on his knuckles. 

He laid himself on the ground eyes slowly closing, They couldn't keep themselves awake the energy had practically been stolen from them, and that was the third of many mistakes Aziraphale made. For they had no idea who it was walking towards them as they slept. Hearing the sounds of chains cleaning together their eyes slowly opened just as they saw a demon move towards them with an Axe, Az swerved out of the way and tried to scream but all that came out was a rasped whine. Two demons took hold of his shoulders and kept him still as the man with the axe lifted it above his head and slammed it down as hard as he could on the angel's right wing. 

Aziraphale's eyes darkened and a blood-curdling scream was heard miles down the halls of hell, They were taking what was left of heaven, what was the last of Aziraphale's freedom.

(HELLO EVERYONE!! Guess what I made, I'm sorry. I had to, I'm glad you still are reading this. Let me know if I should continue this and if I should just shut up and delete my account (Not gonna happen) 

Remember to vote and leave a comment for suggestions! I will be finishing this pilot chapter as the next few days go on. 

-Yours truly The Author that made you sob. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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