•Chapter III•

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III. Red Wine, Left

Red Wine

Why did he leave like that? Did I upset him by not putting my hand on his? Did I do something? I want to ask him some questions!

"See you later." I said, before running. I was about to set my speed to its limits, but Josephine approached us. Not the time, I need Bane to answer my queries.

"Someone has arrived. We need to go to the grand hall. I was summoned but I do not want to go without you all."

In the great hall we walk in. Bane standing in a side, it makes me concerned. I stare at him with all my focus as I walk up the stairs to be beside my father's throne. Alexander does the same. I wonder who is coming?

A fanfare plays as the door opens. But what do you know, it is my worst nightmare. The prince of Denouement arrives with his classic black polo shirt and his black leather pants.

His crown with small golden chains... With his eyes of brown. If you dare to stare, it will feel like you are looking into an avalanche. His tan skin and monolid eyes, it feels comfortable. Too bad, he's a monster that is kneeling down to my father.

"Arise." My father said. They both stood up.

"Welcome back to Lumiere, Prince Caesar Declan Denouement." My father added with open arms.

Me and my brother came down from the stairs to greet him and follow proper procedures. Alexander bows in front of him, showing full respect. He kneeled down in front of me, grabbed my right hand gently and kissed it. Bane watches us as he "clearly" shows sign of being impartial, don't you think? That was sarcasm. I felt uncomfortable. I squinted my eyes in disgust. He also grabbed my hand without my consent!

Caesar came closer and whispered something in my ear..."It has been a while, Arabella. Don't you miss me?"

I forgot to mention, he likes me as well. Don't get me wrong, I would have loved him because he has the looks better than Bane, but it was the attitude I value. Bane treats me with his kindness even if he is on the brink of anger. But except that time at the library, at least he controlled it. He took steps backwards and turned around to observe the people around. He came closer to Bane, observing his appearance. Both of them are having a stare down. Good thing Alexander stepped in.

"Caesar, it has been months since you last been here, I want to show you around. There are some things I want you to see."

"Show me around." He said he maintained eye contact. What will Caesar do to Bane? I'm worried. As he left, I went to Bane as fast as I can.

"Bane, why were you angry earlier? Is it about Julian helping me?"

"I just don't like the idea of offering his hand. That's all." Huh? Why? Why is he angry about it? Not maybe angry, but furious?

Meanwhile, Alexander shows around Caesar around the palace. Then, Stella walked by and smiled at Alexander as he blushed in reply. Caesar finds this odd.

"That woman, I do not remember her." Caesar questioned as my brother gulped,

"She is a servant of ours. 'Estelle' is her name. Though we call her 'Stella'. She is taken."

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