James' POV

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I sipped a glass of courvoisier and coke awaiting Michael's return after finishing filming for the day. I was feeling a wee bit woozy considering this was my... fourth glass? Fifth? Regardless, it wasn't helping me feel less sexually-dissatisfied.
There's only a few things displeasing about filming on the other side of the world; most being a case of missing something, like family being the most obvious; friends, watching the football at the pub etc. But right now, I miss sex. It must have been months since I last got even close to intimate with anyone and the brandy didn't contribute well to getting rid of the frustration and creeping arousal.

I didn't bother with a glass once my last drink was finished but instead took a few swigs, still not really sure why I started drinking tonight. We had a free weekend to follow so most of the cast were headed to the pub but I'd told Michael I'd wait for him, in the trailer, to finish filming first. Then I remembered the bottle of brandy I'd purchased earlier in the week and decided to drink in advance. But Michael was taking rather long to return and I got slightly carried away.

It seemed as if hours had passed before Michael knocked vigorously on the door of the shitty on-set caravan thing that I was forced to live in. I stumbled over to the door, swinging it open too enthusiastically, accidentally hitting myself in the face quite violently. "Ahh fuck that"; I hissed as I gripped the bridge of my nose. Michael responded immediately with a feminine, concerned gasp; of which I couldn't help but chuckle at. Though, intoxication didn't keep it to just a chuckle and soon I was weezing with laughter as Michael shut the door behind him, quickly spotting the brandy bottle.
"James," he sighed, "what are you doing?". I was metaphorically pissing myself at this point; too distracted to notice the cabinet I was just about to fall over.

Now on my back on the floor, I was choking with laughter at my own stupidity: coughing between giggles. This caused Michael to smile and shake his head before putting a hand out to help me up. I grabbed it firmly, pretended to lift myself up for a few seconds then pulled him down too.

It was always a joke of ours to play with the fassavoy ship by slapping eachother's butts, holding hands and pretending to kiss so my drunken self decided it acceptable to peck the air close to his face and wink at him as he struggled to get off me. He let out an uncomfortable laugh as he clambered up, mumbling something to himself, then sliding a hand through his hair; still looking down at me.

Whilst I used the suspect cabinet to help myself up, I considered how strangely pleasurable it was to have Michael that close to me. Though, looking at him now he did seem significantly more tense than before. After apologising I offered him a cigarette, then headed to the open window and lit a straight for myself.

Meaningless conversation was tossed between us to and fro, however, neither of us were paying much attention to the words. God, he was so overwhelmingly beautiful. Almost suddenly I wished to be as close to him as I had been earlier. He had noticed me staring by this point and had given a confused yet admiring look in return. Now I understood those girls I'd seen on that tumblr site; he was literally stunning. I smiled in response to his confusion and his vision slipped to my lips.

I flicked the butt out of the window then reached for the bottle once again. Michael whipped his head round just in time to grab it before I consumed anymore, his fingers over my hand, face dangerously close to my own.
"I'm convinced you've had enough already," he said softly, removing the bottle from my loosened grip, taking a gentle sip. Shit, that was... what... how do you even describe that?
Still very much drunk, nothing convinced me that kissing him now was a bad idea until he pushed me away hard, suddenly appearing angry. It had only been a tender, second-long peck of his bottom lip by the time it was over.
"James. What the fuck was that?" I honestly had no idea how to answer. He lifted the brandy up to his lips again, quicker, and downed the remainders. I didn't have time to speak before he weaved his fingers through my hair, gripping tightly, and slammed his lips against mine. We moved towards the wall that he pushed me hard against, smiling before we returned, open-mouth, to our kiss.

I don't think I'd needed anything more than this interaction. My hands roughly undid his belt as my lips now explored his neck. He groaned and pulled away, taking my hands from his crotch and holding them above my head on the wall. I'm not familiar with the sound that left my mouth at this point but it was caused by an immense pleasure creeping through me.

Michael pulled at my shirt as he sucked on my collar, tongue tracing the bone. I shivered under his dominion.

We pushed to the small bedroom, hitting into furniture on the short journey, lips still attached. Most of our clothes were gone by the time we collapsed onto the bed.

I lay vulnerable under his strong hold, hands running down my chest, circling my peks. Once again, he gripped my wrists and shoved them down into the matress, simultaneously grinding his hips down onto mine. A gasp escaped my mouth and Michael bit my lip gently.

There was a warm sensation of desire that would return every time our crotches were apart. Though when he grinded down this was overpowered by a shot of pleasure.

I turned us around and straddled his waste, kissing his chest, rubbing my hands over his smooth muscles. I ran my tongue lightly down the centre of his body, lowering and stopping at his dick. First, I sucked at it through his boxers then pulled them down enough to expose his huge cock. Taking it all into my mouth, his head shot back and his breath grew more audible. I leisurely sunk my head down and rose back up repeatedly, skimming it with my teeth and licked about the tip. It felt good being able to please him like this. He must have got sick of not having control again as his fingers found there way into my hair and guided my head.

After pulling my head up back to meet his lips he flipped us over again and pulled off my boxers. I wrapped my legs around his waist, his dick pushed up against my arse causing me to moan with every movement. I always thought if anyone was to be giving it would be me but nevermind that.

I reached for a condom from the bedside draws and handed it to him.

I raised my legs and Michael immediately began kissing my thighs and rimmed my hole, exploring with his tongue. It took me by surprise when he pushed all the way into me.
"AH FUCKING HELL MICHAEL OH MY GOD," I shouted out; he laughed in response, making me chuckle and pulled his head down to press a light kiss to his lips.

Things didn't stay gentle for long as it turned to vigorous and rough thrusts. Clenching my teeth, my hair stuck to my head, damp with sweat. The pleasure was impossible to handle; even hearing Michael moan was difficult to deal with, let alone breathless, thrusting into me, still embracing his dominion over me.
I turned over and leant on my elbows, allowing him in again. His prescence seemed to surround me as he leant over and pushed harder. I jerked myself to the rhythm of our skin smacking together, getting closer to that familiar feeling. His length seemed to feel bigger with every thrust, I couldn't hold it back anymore. My head flew backwards as I came all over the fuCKING SHEETS...

Soon after, I felt Michael release into me and kiss the back of my neck, then collapse beside me. We struggled to catch our breath and turned to softly kiss again.
"Holy shit... I really needed that..." I spoke quietly and he nodded in agreement.
"It's my pleasure"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2017 ⏰

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