Love Me Tender

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She brushed my hair over my shoulder. I could feel her soft fingers on my neck, on my shoulders, running through my hair...  Sigh. Everything else just seemed to fade away.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Ali asked with a quiet voice, without disturbing my trans-like state.

"Yeah, I think so", I breathed the words out. I knew she was smiling. I could feel her smiling. The energy in the whole room changed as she smiled. It was like the lights were brighter, the air warmer and everything just lightened up.

"Oh, girl, you're ready. I know it."

She rested her hands on my shoulders. I looked at her from the mirror standing opposite the bed. She was looking at me grinning."You look hot. If I would be that guy I would definitely want to bang you."

The words made me blush. Just her calling me hot was making my insides churn. I turned to look away from her eyes to my nails that were painted black, the color fitting perfectly to my white velvet shirt and the black pants I was wearing. Ali was wearing this kind of a short white dress with black flowers on it. Yeah, black and white, I know. Weird coincidence, though.

"Do you think the nail polish will last till I get there? There's a 80% possibility to start raining and I've told this nail polish just doesn't hold water", I said to her furrowing my eyebrows. I held my hand up so she could look, even though, really she didn't have to since she had helped me paint them just few minutes I still felt her leaning closer, pressing her warm body against my back so she could see better.

"I think it will. Just keep them off the water and you'll do fine", she advised knowingly. She lingered there, her head on my shoulder a moment longer she would've had to. Then she pulled away slowly. I let out a breath I realized I had been holding. She still made me feel like those days when I had a crush on her having no idea she was secretly crushing on me too. I glanced at her from the mirror. She was checking out her phone.

"You know, Em, it's such a shame you have to go to that thing today", she put her phone down and looked at me again."I would've loved to spend today with you."

"Well, it's not like I have much choice", she slowly wrapped her arms around my stomach and rested her head on my shoulder. I breathed in the beautiful scent of hers."My mom would freak out if I didn't go there. She really wants me to meet that guy."

"You'll get to college without meeting any stupid college frat boys", she purred into my ear. I closed my eyes."I can't stand the idea of you being there with that guy."

"Why? Are you jealous?" I turned my head slightly to grin at her.

"That's a stupid question. Of course I am."

"Why would you be jealous? Don't you trust me?"

"I don't trust myself not to break that punk's neck if he tries something with you", she sighed slightly and gave me a small kiss on the cheek."Of course I'm jealous of you. You're the sweetest and the most beautiful girl I've ever known."

"Oh yeah? So it must've been love at first sight then?" I tested her.

"No", she said surprising me but then continued."It was love at first hearing. I heard an angel laughing the most cutest laugh I've ever heard and I knew it was you."

"Oh, Ali..." I turned around to face her. She was smiling so cutely I thought my heart was going to melt in that place.

"I love you", she whispered quietly, barely loud enough for me to hear it.

"I love you too", I replied just as quietly.

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