Weird Place (1)

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A suggestion to everyone : try reading it with slow music of mystery (you can search YouTube mystery music)

Year 20XX (California)
Evening [7:00pm]

Ethan (in mind)
(I am sitting quietly in my balcony thinking about all the things I have done in my past Regretting about my mistakes which caused problems and misfortune for my family and friends. I can never forgive myself)

Mom: Ethan, what are you doing up there come downstairs, Dad and I wanna talk to you about something

Ethan: I am coming mom (I kind of knew what they were going to talk about but I still obliged)

Ethan: Yes mom, Dad , what happened??

Dad: I want to let you know that the things which happend at your previous school, it was not your fault, so don't blame yourself, you have been in your room for months barely taking to us, I know it's difficult getting over it but it is life you have to move on.
That's why mom and I have decided that you will be going to boarding school in outskirts of a village near Capteria (town).

Mom: Honey, it will be a good experience for you to be in peace away from All chaos isn't that what you wanted, since dad and I both will be out of country due to business trip .

Ethan( (oh! I forgot to tell you something, I am from rich family my mom and dad are generally out of town or country for business purposes. Despite born with "golden spoon" I still hate it it was due to my family status that incident happened I will tell you later about it))

Mom: Sweety it's a nice school you will certainly enjoy it, it has greenery all around it and beautiful forests.

Ethan: OK, I guess.

The day before departure (Night[11:00pm])

Ethan: (Talking to himself while lying on bed) So, they want me to attend a boarding school, huh (sigh) . Well nothing can be done now , Since they have made up their mind and it's been a long time Since I stepped out of my room and interact with people. I usually watched movies, read novels, documentaries and workout during my time as a shutter (in room) Let's see how it will go.

Ethan(( turned off his lamp & lowering the temp. Of A.C (summer) covers himself with sheet and slept.

Morning [4:00 am]

Ethan: (in mind)
(I have a habit of waking up early in morning and go for jog or Run, Ever since I was little , I was always intersed in working out, Running, playing sports.
It was the only thing that I loved. I am also a boxer, well to be exact an ametur boxer.) OK let's go.

((Ethan morning routine ))
Ethan walked downstairs, (with a yawn )
Washed his mouth in front of water bashin, took out his brush (electric) and cleaned his teeth, then he did some stretching , drink plenty of water & meditate for 5min ; Around (4:30 am)
He wears his socks, tie his shoeless while wearing his shoes & with a slight jump got ready for jog.

At [7:00 am]
Ethan: (breathing heavily ) it was an amazing run.

((Pressing the bell , ting-tong))

Mom: Ethan, is that you??
Ethan: yeah! Mom (why do you always ask when you can see through camera clearly)

((Mom opened the door))

Ethan: Good morning Dad and mom
Dad: Good morning son , come have your breakfast.

(( Ethan and his family had breakfast after that they started packing their things and told Ethan to pack his belongings and check whether he forgot something or not.))

((Ethan rushed towards his room))

Ethan: (Talking to himself) Ok, so what should I pack now, let's start with books , my laptop, my phone, charger, hair oil, socks, dairy etc. Hmm Am I forgetting something, let's see Oh! Yeah my Album!!
Alright I don't want to take it due to all the memories of my past in here but I don't want anyone else to posses it . I will take it .

Mom: Are you ready Ethan??
Ethan: yeah mom, coming.

At [9:00am]
((They packed their things , took a cab to Airport. ))

Mom: Ethan, sweety don't worry we will visit you from time to time, OK.
Ethan:Ok mom.

((They all got in plane and around 10:30 am and it took off, plane landed at Capteria town at 11:30am))
((Before going to school they ate their lunch and took some rest))

Afternoon [4:30pm]
((They took a bus, since there was no other vehicle there to reach outskirts of Capteria town to "Ranthom village".))

Eathn (Pov) :-
((The passenger in the bus were 3 young boys and 5 girls who were wearing a black dress (like some uniform)
**Boys were wearing black shirt and sweater with black pants and Gloves.
While girls were wearing black shirt and skirt with gloves, ** They all were taking among themselves, when one of the girl looked at me and smiled, I also smiled back but she kept smiling and her smile was weird as it was not greeting smile but like someone is putting a facade, well I decided to not look as I don't give a fuck
About anyone's smile.

((We finally reached the school everyone got out of bus except for the smiling girl, yeah I named her smiling since I didn't know her name, we were finally standing in front of a fort like school which looked like magic castle from movies it was mesmerisng))

Reaching The Boarding school
Evening [5:00pm]

((I was feeling nervous as I have never seen such a unique place the school was looking like castle with two towers each side coloured with reddish and black, there was dark forest behind the school and it looked like there was no life there as everything was dried out from long trees to leaves, In front of school three was huge garden and at the middle of garden a water sprinkler was shining and water was coming out of it, the place was very cold compare to where I have come from , I checked my phone but there was no signal, it was truly weird, Also there was around 60 stairs in front of the school to enter the main building, it consist total of three floors))

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