Chapter 10 At Daniel's Place

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Upon collecting all the necessary personal belonings from Katherine's flat they moved forward to Daniel's place.

- I've made some important calls, the police is on their way to the flat. Soon we'll be aware of who might have caused all this damage and what were they after in the first place.

- Sorry for causing so much commotion. It feels like the ground is going to swallow me. I'll never be able to repay you enough for all the care you're giving me.

- Please, Katherine...

- Call me Kate, would you? I grew accustomed to being called this way. Hearing my full name makes me feel uncomfortable. Sounds too official.

- Your wish is my command. - Daniel agreed. - You're clearly in need of help at the moment. It's not in my custom to turn my back on a woman desperate for support.

- Such take on life is uncommon these days.

- Well, let me be an exception.

A very handsome exception, I should say...

Walking round the streets of Oxford having a light conversation with a man who looked more like a gentleman stepping out of the 19th century rather than a 21st century chap, seemed to lift all her worries like a sea brezee cooling a fever.

- Well, here we are. - stated Daniel as they stopped near a two-storyed cozy house.

- Looks charming. - Katherine admitted.

- Thanks. My parents used to live here before moving to London. You should owe all the beauty of the house to my mum. Interior design is one of her greatest passions.

- Her taste is beyond all praise.

This remark made Daniel smile.

He seems to get on with his mum. Her mentioning makes him so happy. I wonder if he gets along with his dad.

Before entering the house Katherine observed Daniel turning off the alarm.

-No man is an island entire of himself.

- Looks like getting in here won't be an easy feat for those two. - the remark made Katherine chuckle. - Clearly, they haven't got a clue who John Donne is.

- It definetly won't. - chuckled Daniel in response.

-Using these lines as a security code is a clever move, I should say. No kidding. Aren't they going to break in?

- Upon such a fiasco with your flat and the smoke detector? Either they're complete idiots or whoever is behind all this told them to stay put.

- I hope you're right.

Welcome, Prof.Lawrence.

This voice comming out of nowhere made Katherine froze.

- Sherlock, how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that.

Apologies, Mr.Lawrence.

-Now that's better.

-Who's that? - Katherine enquired still in shock.

- Oh, my mistake. Sherlock, allow me to introduce Katherine Winters. She'll be staying here tonight. Katherine, meet Sherlock, my AI butler.

Pleasure to meet you, Miss.Winters.

-The pleasure is all mine, Sherlock. - greeted Katherine still struck by the going on situation. - AI butler you say.

- Exactly.

- How did you come by him?

- Oh, it slipped my mind. Before entering Oxford I graduated from MTI. AI technologies is my major. That's how I came up with an idea to create a virtual assistant of my own. Frankly speaking, we've grown to be friends.

- Unbelievable! An AI butler. I'd always thought  it to be something   out of science fiction.

- Stanislav Lem's novels, for instance?

.-Dead on! At least I've never encountered one in my daily life.

- You know, everything happens for the first time.

- And it's probably the best. Why Sherlock?

- Oh, I was infatuated with the guy as a child. I could read all night long and never get tired. Putting the book down was simply impossible. And I figured, giving an AI assistant a name is much better than a dull number. He has developed tremendously since the moment I created him. 

You're being too kind, sir.

-See. He's even developed modesty. How do you like that?

- Impressive. Sherlock, no doubt.

- Where are my manners? I've overloaded you with all sort of things not even giving a chance to breathe out. You're probably overwhelmed and worn out with all the things going on. Please, make yourself at home.

- That's very generous of you. I'm actually really desperate for a hot bath, if you don't mind.

- Be my guest. The bathroom is on the second floor. Second door on the left. Take any time you need.

- That's very kind of you.

- I'll prepare a place to sleep for you.

- How about you? I don't want to be a burden.

- I'll be fine. The couch should fit perfectly.

Reaching the staircase Katherine halted for a moment.

- Daniel...

- Yes?

- I want you to know. I'm really grateful for everything you're doing to put me at ease.

- I know. Helping you out gives me great pleasure.

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