Chapter 1

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Chuuya's life was rather quiet, with routines that had grown on him. Going to school, after-school clubs, then the gym, hanging out with his friends Dazai and Atsushi, and occasionally doing a part-time job to save money to buy his dream motorcycle, which he had yet to get a license for.

A nice content and quiet life, well until the first day of the last year of his school life. The teacher had the 'wonderful' idea that students should pair up for a few minutes to get to know each other. Chuuya knew most of the people in his class, either through having had classes with them or through other circumstances.

It took a turn when he was partnered with Sayu, a girl he had been in the same class with in 5th and 8th grade. Having already gotten to know each other somewhat, even if it was more on the awkward side rather than being comfortable with each other.

Sayu took one of the prompt questions prepared by the teacher. "Tell me a joke," Sayu read, thinking how boring of a prompt that was. Chuuya frowned. "Really?" He sighed, saying "Knock knock."

Sayu, now looking up from the paper into his pretty dark blue eyes (let get it straight from the beginning, everybody found Chuuya was gorgeous, no question) with a "you serious" kind of look. She decided not to play along, you know, because that was even more boring. Making an gesture of opening the door she said "Oh hi Chuuya". Chuuya looking at her kinda annoyed "You're supposed to say 'who's there' first. Let me just start over. Knock knock".

Sayu found it rather funny to watch him try again. "Dont come in, I'm naked" even though that was childish, it was worth saying it, seeing how Chuuya got a bit more pissed. "No, look. Just say 'who's there' okay? Knock Knock". She wonderd just how often he would try "Who is there? Is it Chuuya Nakahara?" Sayu tried saying somewhat serious. "No- I was supposed to say that." Maybe, she thought, Chuuya really isn't getting that she is f-ing with him.

He tried again "Now, knock knock".

"Who's there?"

"Chuuya Nakahara."

"Chuuya Nakahara who?"

"It's me. Do I need to say my name twice?"

"Who's there?"

"Oh, come on. Knock knock."

Sayu gestures to open a non-existent door.

"Stop opening the door just-"

"Knock knock"

"Who's there?"

"Chuuya Nakahara."

"What? That's my name- stop messing my jokes up"

"Oh, you are Chuuya Nakahara? Why not say so" Sayu said, wondering how long she could keep this up. Honestly, she hadn't had this much fun in a while.

"Well, I was trying, but u kept messing my joke up" Chuuya said, while Sayu wasn't even sure how his knock knock joke was supposed to be funny.

"It's rude to give fault to others. Maybe you should've just tried harder" Sayu folded the piece of paper with the prompt and tried to throw it back into the bowl some desks in front of.

"Rude?! You do not know how frustrating this was, but I'll bite my tongue and remain polite because I'm a gentleman" Chuuya was in fact looking frustrated. "You indeed are" she assured him.

Even though Sayu never really had a close relationship with Chuya, despite being in the same class with him for multiple years, she did know quite a lot about him. Well, for reasons she wouldnt openly tell others about. But she knew that behind his open and sometimes blunt personality, he was a rather nice boy. With his looks? He could act like a flag in the colors of his hair (Red, if you don't know. They are unusually long for a boy and kind of curly, always look freshly washed and he even sometimes have some pins in them putting some strands into place. And the times he ties them up in a ponytail? DAMN- ... back to the point) but despite that he was nice, well, as long as you were nice to him.

"So then, I've told you my name multiple times now, we can have an actual conversation. Is there anything you want to ask me?" Chuuya asked, trying to turn this conversation somewhat useful.

"No, not really" Sayu said while, evening out her school uniform skirt, she wore over her school uniform pants, the latest trend.

"You really are doing a great job at wasting my time right now. Why make the effort just to have a meaningless conversation?" Sometimes Chuuya's blunt personality would be questioning the littlest things, much of the enjoyment of others who wouldn't really put thoughts into their acts.

"I don't know. Leave me alone. I'm going through it right now."

"'Going through it'? You aren't exactly the one to be depressed or anything like that."


"What do you mean, "why"? You are as cheerful as they get. You have nothing to worry about or think about."

"Mhh rude again"

"Don't try to act as if I am being the mean one here. You wasted my time. Time I could have used for more important matters. Yet you came here to do absolutely nothing.

"Well, not my problem."

"Ah, you have quite the attitude, don't you?"

"Do I?"

"Yes. Yes, you do."

"Well then, I'm glad."

"Glad for what? For being rude towards me? For wasting my time?"

"Nah, just glad."

"And the reason for that is?"

"No reason. Sometimes we just gotta be glad."

"That's ridiculous. It's not natural to be glad for no reason. There is a reason. You're glad to have annoyed me, aren't you?"


"Ah, so you do admit it."

Sayu shrugs. Chuuya exhales, annoyed "You are such a pain".

And right then and there, after about five minutes of talking with her new (old) classmate, just before she switched to talking to someone else, she thought about something.

See, Sayu was, as mentioned, rather bored. And Chuuya was, as it seemed, easily annoyed. Which for Sayu was perfect, because she always had it in her blood to annoy the people around her (Ask her friends, or relatives, honestly a lot of people would agree). So, because of that, and another reason we eventually would find out, Sayu turned back to Chuuya, to make a deal which Chuuya would regret, deeply.

"Lets make a bet"

Chuuya frowned, again "I'm not even sure I want to hear it, but sure."

"If I can turn you into my boyfriend within the next 10 days, I win"

See, Sayu wasn't really the type of girl to get embarrassed, much at the expense of others.

"You think you can turn me into your boyfriend within the next 10 days? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard."

"Is the bet on?"

"Yes. You're gonna lose." Chuuya accepted the bet, not thinking much of it with the reasoning that it was an impossible dumb bet anyways. Well, Chuuya would quite soon learn (and often, often, remind) just how stupid that was.

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