Part 1

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Maybe what you're really looking for is deep authentic human connection. Someone who won't make you feel like a burden. Someone you can laugh and cry with. Laugh until your belly hurts and cry until those tears dry up and you can release that weight off your shoulders so you don't have to cry alone. That's what I've learned through my trauma. We just want someone real. Even if it's just one person. One you can sit alone with at 2 AM and be yourself with. Laugh, cry, joke, smile with. You don't want to pretend. You want to be real. The realest one out there. I'm so proud of you. Don't give up.

Someone who listens and understands is a gift. And we shouldn't throw them away.

Writing saved my fucking life. No exaggeration.

I felt lost
so i cried and danced
with a bottle of whiskey
till there was none left
the addict in me
craved more
it took healthy connections
to realize i don't need wine
i don't need to slowly poison
and destroy myself.

I'm almost a year sober.

I had an inner decisiveness
like tug of war
but the rope wouldn't be pulled
my feet were solid
no steps
like the mind that poisoned me
till it didn't
beautiful madness
but deadly
like that charming guy we drool over
but his mouth is poison
he's just communal dick
not worth our energy and sanity.

Don't break me down

I've been dying for too long...

my home
my body
are reuniting

no more wars in my mind.

Trying not to get into trouble.

Just ride and enjoy it.

Life has hurdles. But it's what we do about it that matters.

Engage in a healthy conversation

Open your heart to someone genuine.

Don't let your ego destroy you and others around you.

Stop destroying yourself over someone who doesn't give a fuck about you.

Aren't you tired of feeling like you're fucking crazy?

Let him go. Live your life. Find your joy again. Go on a walk and smell the flowers.

Don't let him give you the flowers. Treat yourself with the flowers.

Don't let your crown fall again. Leave him and find your people.

I'm finally standing on the mountain of thousands of powerful women before me who've survived so much. I want others to climb with me and leave the communal dick behind.

Harsh fact but he's going to hurt other women with his lying dick.

Climb the mountain of powerful women with me.

Don't let his ego destroy you too.

Find your real community.

You're not in your right mind. Stop chasing the broken promises of rainbows with him. Choose your own colors and flowers.

I know you're hurting but he will continue hurting you so let him go no matter how much it hurts.

Stop hoping he'll change. He won't.

He'll still drink that beer, he'll still emotionally abuse you, ghost you, lie to you, cheat on you. Or worse.

You're worth more than that.

You need to leave and heal and breathe again. He suffocated you. It's time for you to break free and start living again. You don't need a prince. Be the hero of your own story.

Don't dream of that heroine. It'll kill you. Don't ruin your life because of him. He doesn't care. Block, delete, mute. Don't reply to his lying texts.

He just wants your attention, not your love.

He already lost when he drank that vodka and lied. He lost when he cheated. He lost when he abused you.

Don't you want peace?

Let your shit ex believe whatever fucked up, delusional belief they want to believe. It's a reflection of their own insanity, not YOUR peace of mind and loving nature. He will be lost in his own mind.

You are fuller, kinder, stronger now. Don't allow anyone to take that from you.

To the radiant woman who has found her inner sanctuary of self-love: you are the epitome of grace, courage, and wisdom. The love you used to seek in scattered places now flows abundantly from your own heart, illuminating every crevice of your being. You've become the artist and muse of your own life, painting your days with strokes of joy, resilience, and unshakable peace. You've learned the sacred art of saying no, of setting boundaries, of making space for your dreams to take root and blossom. You are not just a wishful thinker; you're a wish fulfiller, an architect of your own destiny. In discovering your strength to love yourself unconditionally, you've found the most beautiful love story ever told. Rejoice in it.

Sleepless nights
Ruminating thoughts
Memories of past lovers
Past lives
High school besotted school lovers
It's time to move on
There is so much better out there
Patiently waiting to embrace you.
Don't throw them away.
They'll never leave you
You deserve that mutual respect
A friend
Or more
You deserve it
Time to live your life
With your radiance
What fills your heart?
Find it.
One thing makes a difference.
Cliche I know.
But one step at a time.
You have a big heart
It's time to fill that emptiness.

You've been an empty well for too long. Time to give yourself the love you deserve. An empty cup can become a full cup of purity and wholeness. Love is powerful.

"You have a good heart." - a friend.

Real friends nurture your soul.

You don't have to say a word. Your best friend will know how much it hurts. And your best friend will also accept you for who you are. No matter how much shit the world has put you through.

You already have what you need within yourself. A man doesn't define you. Your power, strength, beauty, femininity, a goddess. You have the warrior within.

Stop listening to society's standards. You're beautiful the way you are now.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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