Chapter 11 A lavender bath seems to scare off all the problems.

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When entering the bathroom, locking the door behind her, Katherine looked around. There was a huge white tub opposite the door. A curtain, blocking the view for whoever might drop in. A carpet with an intricate design lying next to the tub. A sink staying on white drawer next to the window. A glass cupboard on the right.

Having a window in the bathroom is a bit weird... But I must admit it's probably the most exquisite bathroom I've ever had a bath in, in my entire life! Feels like I'm Marylin Monroe, having some time off filming enjoying her lavender bathtub.

While collecting her stuff at home, Katherine managed to pick up some of the beauty and bathroom products.

Speaking of lavender, I think I somehow happen to have some bubble bath with this kind of scent. I might not be Norma Jean, but I'm definitely going to fully enjoy the experience.

Turning the tap on and pouring some of the lavender bubble bath, Katherine just couldn't stop watching the water filling the tub slowly. The sound of pouring water had this ASMR effect making Katherine pretend all the hardships of the day never took place at all.

I should probably stop standing like that, otherwise I'm causing a flood here, and destroying Daniel's house is probably the worst way to say thank you.

Turning off the tap and trying the water with her fingers to make sure it doesn't scorch her, Katherine started slipping her black dress quickly, being in desperate need to get rid of it having worn one for about two days.

Reaching into the tub slowly to feel the warmth of the water with every inch of her body, Katherine finally settled, fidgeting a bit to find the right position to feel as comfy as possible.

God! It feels so good. I can actually hear this "I Feel Good" song in my head. I'd never thought a simple tub might cause such a bliss!

To finally scare off all the alarming thoughts, Katherine dived into the water, holding her breath to simply knock it all out for a moment. But paradise didn't not last for long. A sudden buzz on her phone made Katherine surface, killing the moment selfishly.

- Hello?- Kat, is that you?

- Maggie?

- Thank God you've picked up the phone! Christ, Kat! Where have you been? I was worried as hell after you left! No messages, no calls! After what you've told me I thought something terrible happend to you. With two phsychos out there, trying to kidnap you, it's sheer madness not to give a call!

- I'm terribly sorry to have made you so worried. I didn't mean it, honestly. You know I hate ringtons. I have probably missed all the incoming calls. With everything going around, I simply forget all about my daily routine.

- Ok, I'll accept that as an apology. Tell me, or Peter and I wouldn't make it till tomorrow. Have you made it to safety?

- Complete safety, Maggie.

- Oh, that intonation intrugues me. Is there someone else with you? The mysterious savior, isn't it?

- Yes, you guessed it right, Watson! - Katherine replied giggling.

- I'm so glad to hear you laughing. That guy must have had an effect on you.

- He did.

- Wait, why Watson?

- I'll explain later. Please, don't despair. I am secured.

- Where are you?

- I'm at Daniel's place.

- WHAT? "Curiouser and curiouser!"

- Are we talking literature now?

- You've started it!

- Ok, back to business. WHAT? How did you end up in the guy's flat?

- It's a two-storyed house, actually.

- Gosh! Clearly, you are the best at seeking adventures.

- And you have the best sense of humour, you know that? - Katherine laughed.

- Of course I do. - affirmed Maggie having some posh notes in her voice. - You don't come around to someonećs house barely knowing him. Tell me evrzthing. You're like a sister to me.

- That makes two of us. I had no other choice. These two bastards ransacked my flat. I didn't want anyone close to me get involved after the incident.

- Jesus! That makes sense. Hope they won't ransack his home.

- They don't stand a chance, trust me.

- I'm starting to love the guy.

- What about James?

- Come on, you know what I mean.

The remark made them burst out laughing.

- Sorry, I have to go. There are still some things awaiting settling.

- Promise to call me, in case you need help. James and I are always there for you.

- I know, and I really appreciate it!

Hanging up, Katherine thought of how lucky she was to have all the good people around, especially Maggie.

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