🌌🀄️[:] Chapter Five [:]🀄️🌌

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[:]|| No Ones POV ||[:]


You stared the Orc down as she stood in the way of your only escape, the stairwell. "Hello there little one~ It seems you've found the children I was going to take in.~" she said in a seductively deep voice.

It sent a shiver up your spine but you were to afraid to blink. You were afraid if you did everything would go wrong. You moved the children behind you for their safety and glared at the huge Orc woman.

"Get away from us or I will move you myself!" You threatened in a low and steady voice. Though inside you were quivering with fear that could rival the hate you hate you had for her and the others that had killed your grandmother.

She looked at you and just smirked. "Oh?~ And when did you get so brave little one?~" she asked. With each word she got closer to you. You stepped back with the kids with every step she took.

A low growl rang from your lips, "LEAVE! US! ALONE!" You yelled. She froze for a moment before chuckling in a low husky voice. "That was cute~" she said in a taunting voice, deflating your confidence and replacing it with anger.

"Stay. Away!" You warned yet again. Baring your fangs this time as a means of protection and aggression. She chuckled at your 'cute' excuse of a growl. "Your so cute and sexy trying to make yourself seem bigger~" she growled.

You glared daggers at her and snarled when she was only 4 feet away from you and the kids. Since you guys were trying to back away you were noticing something. The Orc was backing you and the kids out to the big broken window of the bell tower.

The break in the window was big enough that you all would not only be hurt but could die. You looked back in terror only to see she was meer inches away from you and the kids. She kneeled and looked you dead in your eye.

"Give up this rediciulous fight and just come peacefully with the relic." She said. Her eyes turned to a fiery red as she looked in your [E/C] eyes. You both stared at the other for quite a bit of time.

The only sound was the wind blowing through the broken window and screams out in the distance. The sounds of your hearts and your slowly steady breathes could be heard as well.

You sneered and hissed at her as you huddle the kids behind you even further. "Stay the away!" You practically growled at her. This turned her calmness to that of a frown. "So be it then", the orc woman said.

She lifted you and the kids over her shoulders. "If you won't come on your own then you will come by force." She said. You started punching her back trying to make her let you down. To no avail, it didn't work and she only tightened her grip.

Though it seemed like she wasn't trying to hurt you. You kept struggling and fighting until she had moved you. She was now carrying you on her side as if you were a badly behaved child. Or a sack of some sort if you will.

She walked down the stairs, fixing you every few minutes so you wouldn't fall. As you kept struggling you didn't realize that you all had already made it down. There at the bottom were the rest of the sister queens, arms crossed.

"And what took so long to get our relic and mate?" Alorta asked Zatana in dismay. Zatana scoffed and put the kids down gently. "She was protecting these children..." she said softly.

They all look at the children before looking at you, who was turned in Zatana's arms so you couldnt look at them. "I hope you all die of slow deaths!" You yelled at them.

Though they only laughed, thinking you were so cute. Especially when you were trying to act tough when you knew deep down you were afraid.

They were right that you were afraid, but it was not the reason they thought. You were afraid of anyone else dying just because these bitches had an interest in you. You were afraid the people you still had left were going to die, just for your stupid mistake of not covering your scent.

Just at the thought of this tears were starting to well, but you held them. The enemy must never see you as weak. Though they already did you were going to show them that you weren't.

Just as you thought that, you swayed your body and kicked the red haired orc in the chin. This caused her to get stunned and dropped you and the kids. This made the others shocked before tried to grab you and the kids.

But before they could you grabbed the children in your arms. Using what little strength you had left in your body, used your magic and teleported.

Though since you were in a panic you and the children were now falling from the sky. This made your senses heighten and you covered them with your own body. You were prepared to lay down your life for any of the people.

Though in mid-fall you were caught by some sort of green magic. When you looked down to see who it was, it was head council Tomayo!

You smiled as you and the children were placed gently on the ground. You immediately ran to him, happy to see he was still safe. Then the thought hit you, and looked at him in panic.

"Where are the others grandfather?" You asked him. He frowned, "Some we have not found yet but the rest of the humans and elves are hidden safely. Come, we will bring the children there first then search for survivors." He spoke.

You nodded and held the baby close to your chest as you held out your other hand for the little boy. He immediately grabbed it and walked with you, leaning his head on you.

You smiled at this, hoping that those sisters would just give up. That they would finally you and the others alone. But knowing them you let that thought go as they were not only greedy but possessive.


[:]|| To Be Continued ||[:]


My bright and shining Fireworks and Firecrackers! I'm so sorry about this update being late but I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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