Chapter 12 A Family Call

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A sudden knock on the door disrupted Katherine from wrapping her hair into a towel making her look just like an ancient Egyptian empress.

- Yes?

- Kate, is everything ok? - Daniel's voice on the other side of the door.

- Absolutely. I am about to finish.

- Don't worry. Take your time. I just wanted to let you know that your room is ready, so feel free to get settled. I've also taken your suitcase upstairs.

- Oh, thank you so much. You really didn't have to... I owe you, you do know that?

- We'll figure something out. - Daniel responded playfully.

God, it's almost a crime for a man to be so ambient and agreeable. Wish all of them could have been this way.

The thought causing her to get back to a blurry memory of a man she once encountered as a student and would rather have it wiped out.

Having finished all the washing and towel wrapping, Katherine reached the door unlocking it gradually. Having opened it she took a quick glance outside, making sure Daniel wasn't around.

Appearing in front of him half-naked would do me little honour. All clear.

Approaching Daniel's bedroom, two steps at a time, she pulled the door disappearing inside.

A room looked like any other inhabited by a man. Walls painted in neutral grey-like colours, a huge bed right in the middle of the room. A gravel coloured blanket covering half of the bed. 

Two pillows with white cases on them.

This sleeping place looks so comfy. I can't wait to get under the covers to just finally have some proper sleep. The room itself is pretty stylish. A minimalist style is perhaps the best choice when it comes to a bedroom. Waking up seeing vivid colours is probably the worst option, as it might kill your neurosystem sooner or later. Bedroom is a place to relax not being under stress every single moment.

She learnt all this from an article on phsychology and interior design she once happened to read. Truth be told, Katherine actually stood on the same principles concerning bedroom design, with pastel shades prevalent in her own bedroom.

Having unpacked her suitcase Katherine picked up her linen home wear blue dress-shirt and a pair of fluffy socks to warm-up her feet.

That should do.

Having changed she took a closer look at the photographs, hanging on the wall opposite the bed.

Daniel must have a pretty busy life, judging by all of these enframed pictures.

There was a picture of a young boy about 10, wearing a broad smile.

He hasn't changed a bit.

A picture of a teenager outside some prestigious boarding school that looked like Eton College, with a few other boys standing next to him.

So, no doubt, you are a 'James Bond' type, Mr.Lawrence. They all look so happy. I wonder if they still keep in touch?

The rest of the photos depicted his university years at MTI and Oxford.

There was also an image showing Daniel embracing an older man and a woman in their late sixties, possibly early seventies.

Oh, that's his mum and dad, I guess. He loooks just like her. Same hazel eyes full of compassion and light and a radiant smile. Them hugging each othe looks so cute.

The thought filled Katherine's limbs with warmth that quickly changed to guilt.

I hope mum is doing well. How traitorous of me to not have given her a call. She might be suffering right now, desperate to find her way out of this nightmare. No more thinking.

Katherine picked up the phone, scrolling all the contacts to finally find "Mum".

- Hello?- Mum it's me! Thank God! Are you all right?

- Katty, deary. I'm afraid. Your dad...

- I know, yet I still can't figure out what's happend to him. This disturbing message he's sent me. I can't get it out of my head. He was definetly on the verge of despair when typing it. 

- Katty, darling., he was kidnapped. I'm sure of it. All because of these damn Tudor treasures.

- How do you know?

- The letter..

.- What letter?

 - Your father has been blackmailed for quite some time.

- Are you sure?

- Of course I am. - distress an anxiety vibrating through her voice.

- Mum, please, don't panick. I'll try to do something about this as soon as I can. Now that I'm with Daniel, everything's going to be fine.

- Daniel? Daniel Lawrence?

- Yes... How do you know him?

- He's your father's best friend's son. He's a very good and trustworthy person. You're definetly in good hands now.

- How do they come to know each other exactly?

- I figure, you should ask Daniel on that. You know your father has never shared a lot when it comes to his job.

- May be you're right. Would you mind us calling you in an hour via Skype? To set things clear?

- Sure. I'm afraid it's too much for me to bear on my own.

- Mum, I wish I could be there right beside you. How stupid of me to have caused you so much worry and pain due to my stubborness.

- Don't blame yourself, darling. It's not your fault.

- Mum, I'll do everything to make it up to you both. Promise.

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