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Meggy looked at the Android, she was so stiff, so.. strange. She looked back on the road, driving to where the location was, soon spotting the blue and red lights and parking near the house. She grabbed a cigarette and a lighter and got out of the car, Tari following along with her, she found it annoying how Tari was basically in her shadow. Always following her like a Poodle. "Hey, stay like.. 4 feet away from me, fuckin android..." she pulled out her cigarette as they walked to the house, Tari followed the command and distance herself. The lawn was covered in snow and there were multiple cops and agents around, Tari quickly took a scan of all of them before hearing the small clicks coming from Meggy's lighter. Meggy blew out a puff of smoke as they entered, the smell of decay and blood immediately caught her attention. She was always used to the smell due to the many murder cases she had went through the past years. She immediately went over to the body to inspect it. Tari looked around, finding multiple yellow cards with numbers of evidence, she began scanning a few things and soon found a bloody knife, she knelt down and gently touched the blood with her index and middle finger, tasting the blood to scan it. "That's fuckin disgusting" Tari turned her head towards Meggy who was staring at her with a disgusted look. "I apologize Lieutenant, I'm analyzing the blood, I can check samples in real time" Tari explained. "I should have warned you" "hm.. just.. don't do it again" Meggy let out another puff of smoke as she went into the bathroom.

DNA Analysis
Blood Type: AB, Victim: Wheeler
3 days old.

She walked over to the body of the old man, scanning his wounds, and the alcohol stains on the clothing. Once she finished she looked at the writing on the wall before leaving to the kitchen.

28 stab wounds, the attack seems aggressive, writing on the wall "I AM ALIVE".

Tari continue to looked around at the evidence, taking note of everything and what she could puzzle together. Finding a dented Bat with the victim's finger prints, a chair knocked over, blood from the victim, and knife block that was holding all the knife except the one used in the murder. After she wondered around the house and collected all the evidence, she went to Meggy, who was standing in the hallway looking up at the attic. "I have peice everything together Lieutenant. The Victim attacked the Deviant in the kitchen, til it went into emotion shock, so it grabbed a knife and defended its self, which made the victim go into the living room where the deviant finished him off." Tari stood behind her, 4 feet away exactly. Meggy took the cigarette out of her mouth and blew a puff a smoke. "Fetch me a chair, I have a suspicion that something is up there." Meggy held the cigarette in her fingers as Tari did was she was told, when they got the chair, Meggy put out the cigarette and climbed on and pulled herself up to the attic, having Tari follow her. "Stay close to me... this place has a lot of hiding spots..." Meggy looked around as they slowly made their way through the attic, Meggy's hand was slightly hovering over her gun, ready to draw if throngs get tense quickly, Tari stayed close to her, looking around for any evidence that was here, they soon got to the other side of the attic. "Hm.. looks like nothing here" Meggy was soon cut off by the Deviant hitting her back a with a metal pipe, Meggy dropped to the ground from the sudden strong hit. Tari's left hand quickly changed into a gun as she quickly disarmed the Deviant. Kicking his knee where it made a uncomfortable crack as it bent the wrong way, it fell to the ground and Tari aimed her weapon at its head. "Stay Down! You are under arrest!" She shouted, Meggy groaned in pain as she sat up. "Mario! Bob! Get your asses up here! It's here!" Meggy shouted as she got up slowly. "Fffuck that hurt.." she looked over at Tari, her stance was stiff as her eyes focused on the Deviant on the ground, no life in her amethyst-like eyes. "Are you okay Lieutenant?" Tari questioned, still keeping her weapon on the murder. "I'm fine.." Meggy huffed, seeing Mario and Bob arrive, along with SMG3 and SMG4.

Meggy sat at her desk, her back still hurting from the attack, she was embarrassed that she didn't see the attack coming, and being saved by a Android. "Stupid android... I could have handled myself..." She mumbled, she soon saw Tari placed a cup of coffee at the desk. "I got you something Lieutenant" Tari sat down in the chair, "Captain SMG4 told me what you like in your coffee" Meggy looked at the cup and back at Tari. "... This doesn't mean anything" she angry mumbled as she grabbed her cup and took a sip, she was expecting it to be horrible but it was actually pretty good. She smiled a bit. "This is.. actually pretty good..." Meggy smiled a bit, she put down her coffee, when she leaned a bit to type something in the computer, a sharp pain shot through her back. She winced. Tari took notice, moving slightly towards her. "Lieutenant, are you alright? Is it your back?" Tari questioned, Meggy took a deep breath and typed in her computer after a bit. "I'm fine... don't worry about it" Meggy quickly dismissed it.
"Would it be of help if I stayed the night at your house to make sure it doesn't get bad?"
"What...? Don't you have Cyberlife shit to do?"
"No, after this mission I was going to put my self on standby at headquarters, but I wouldn't mind helping you"
Meggy thought for a moment, she didn't want to get help by a tincan but she also didn't want to be put on medical leave again. "Fine, But this doesn't mean we are friends" Meggy grabbed her coffee and drank some it. Keep her eyes on the android.

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