Chapter 13 A Portrait of A Woman

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Having finally dried her hair Katherine left the bedroom. When passing by a bathroom she could hear water splashing inside.

He must be taking a bath. I should better go downstairs not to make him uncomfortable as soon as he leaves the room. It's not my house after all, so sneaking around wouldn't be polite.

With these thoughts in mind she took the stairs getting down slowly not to stumble as the staircase appeard to be pretty steep.

Why do I keep getting this nasty feeling when getting down the stairs? May be that's due to my poor eyesight. Or perhaps the fear of heights? They constantly make me giddy...

A huge painting by Titian was the first thing that came into sight as soon as Katherine reached the living room.

"The Allegory of Prudence". A painting representing three stages of human life: old age, maturity and youth.

- This painting owns special place in my heart.

Katherine shrugged at the remark turning to face Daniel getting down the stairs.

Why does he keep appearing like that? All of a sudden...

- Does it?

- It does. It helps me not to forget that turning back on one's past and experience leaves no chance to build a brighter future and therefore, when being stuck completely in the past, you cannot enjoy the present moment. Duality, just like in Caravaggo's painting we discussed earlier.

- Fair enough. I can see a scene from "Romeo and Juliet" hanging over your desk. That play owns a special place in my heart.

- Mine too. May I ask what exactly do you love it for?

- This story is a reminder that true love does exist, no matter the hardships going on in the world. When losing faith, at some point, I take a glance at this painting and it makes my heart believe in love again:

"How com'st thou hither, tell me, and wherefore?The orchard walls are high and hard to climb.

"With love's light wings did I o'erperch these walls for stony limits cannot hold love out. - Daniel joined in.

"By whose direction found'st thou out this place?" - Katherine continued clearly enjoying their passion for the Bard's most famous play.
"By love that first did prompt me to inquire." - Daniel finished sharing Katherine's sheer joy.

- I had no idea you share love for the same scene as I do.

- Yeah, the balcony scene. It's funny, you know, people have grown to call this scene that way, although, there was never a balcony.

- Indeed. I've read some articles, claiming that at the time there were no balconies at all back in Verona, so Juliet was probably just looking outside the window. - Katherine agreed. Aplayful smile touching her lips.

  I've grown to love the play with every next read. 

- So have I. I'm still on a quest to find out what true love is, though getting the answer might take years.

- I tell you something, love is a very fragile thing and sometimes canning. It might cut your heart with thousand knives, but nevertheless, without it, we do not live. We merely exist.

Why would he be so blue about love?

- There's no other feeling more beautiful and extraordinary than love. But you're right. It requires attention, and building a strong relationship based on trust, care and love is no easy feat.

- I couldn't agree more. - confirmed Daniel heading to the kitchen.

Passing by a huge bookcase, Katherine noticed a portrait of a woman black-haired in her thirties holding a violin. Her deep blue eyes full of excitment. Next to the photo she spotted another enframed image picturing Daniel and the same woman, placing her arms around his shoulders looking straight into his eyes. Both of them laughing, obviously in love, probably sharing the best moment of their lives.

- My wife, Margot. - Daniel uttered noticing Katherine observing the photos.

- Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to sneak around.

- It's fine. We got divorced about a year ago.

- Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Must have been hard for you.

- Don't worry. I managed to overcome this situation. With time, everything seems less traumatizing.

- You know, they say everything happens for a reason. Perhaps, you were given a chance to turn the page and begin anew.

- Perhaps. Nevertheless, I think she'd gone for better. We were too different anyway.

- Was she a musician?

- A violinist. One of the best, to be honest. I don't know when exactly our relationship cracked. I was always busy at work. So was she. I think, it was pretty hard for her to put up with my comings and goings, deadlines to make exams to take. As a musician she's a very fragile person. Margot started getting more and more tours and we hardly saw each other. Eventually, she found someone else. A guy from the orchestra she was a part of.

- Daniel, I...

- At first it broke my heart but then I grasped that this person might be the one to make her happy eventually. And I decided to let her go.

God, I shouldn't have asked all these questions... I shouldn't have stared at the picture.

Katherine closed the space between them touching Daniel's cheek softly.

- Sorry, for making you wandering these haunting memories once again. I didn't mean to.

- It's okay. - Daniel placed his palm on hers.- I've never opened up to anyone about my marriage. -  he leaned forward whispering into her ear - Now that I've had, it's such a relief! Thank you. - he kissed her softly on the cheek. The sensation made her blush a bit.

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