The Meeting

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The camera pans onto a building where original Abraham Lincoln is looking down from a  window. He looks down with a sincere look on his face. Just then, his wife, Mary Lincoln, comes in.

Mary: You coming, sweetheart? Their waiting for you?

Abraham: I'm coming down, dear.

He walks away from the window and goes to the meeting. Lincoln heads to the other room and enters where he sees other clone parents like joan of Arc, John F Kennedy, Harriet Tubman, and Cleopatera are all in attendance.

Kennedy: So, uh, Lincoln, we understand that their are people out there cloning us. Is that true?

Abraham: I know it's shocking, but please let us not hurt or abandon the children. Let us embrace them as our own...

Cleopatera: I'm not sure Mr Lincoln they are the first historical clones ever. How can we be certain that they would be stable enough to live as our own.

Abraham: I know it's hard, but I see them as innocent little children. we should raise them as if we were parents

The parents at the meeting begin to look at each other and think.

Harriet: Alright, I suppose I will support this. If these children are innocent enough to live alongside us, we must accept them as our own.

Abraham: Good. Any questions?

Joan of Arc: Who is doing this?

Abraham: it is a scientist by the name of Cinnamon scudworth he and the government are using our DNA and cloning children of us

Kennedy: Cinnamon Scudworth....what exactly is he getting out of this?

Abraham: to take over the world...

Harriet: What?! How long has he been doing this?! How many clones have he made?

Abraham: The number is large, and it started back in the 1980s...

Harriet: How the hell is he able to keep this under the rug for a long time?!

Abraham: That we don't know, but we have to deal with them so we don't let them hurt our children.

After the meeting, Mary confronts Abraham.

Mary: Honey, how long have you been hiding this from me?

Abraham: I'm sorry Mary, I'm sorry I never told you. But you have to forgive me. I didn't want you to get worried.

Mary: I'm not upset, sweetheart. I just wanted to know why you didn't tell me. Was there a reason?

Lincoln: I just didn't want you to worry about the clones....I know you needed to know, but I had to protect you...

Mary: *Smiling* It's okay, sweetie, I understand why you didn't tell me. Just make sure to tell me next time, okay?

Lincoln smiles back at Mary.

Lincoln: I will. My lovely queen~

Mary: My king~

He kisses her neck

Mary: Lincoln, you cheeky devil~

Robert lincoln: Uh, father....

The two parents see Robert lincoln, the oldest son of the lincolns.

Abraham: Yes, son?

Robert: I'm just telling you that you have another meeting at 5.

Abraham: Thank you, son.

Robert leaves.

Mary: Next time, lock the door.

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