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It was a late night, Meggy was trying to type at her laptop, but her back was causing her pain. "Jesus Christ..." Meggy complained, slowly getting up. The doorbell soon rang, "Must be the tincan..." Meggy grumbled as she walked to the door, opening it. "Hello again Lieutenant, May I come in?" Meggy looked at the android up and down, still standing so stiffly, but they had snow in their hair, Meggy scoffed a bit and let her inside. "How's your back Lieutenant?" Tari looked at her with a curious look, "it fuckin hurts, that damn deviant might have broken something" Meggy groaned a bit, she walked closer to Tari and gently ran her fingers through Tari's hair, getting the snow flakes out. "You have some snow in your hair." Meggy spoke in a annoyed tone, Tari looked at the smaller woman.

Software Instability

     Tari watched as Meggy walked away and struggled a bit to sit on the couch."Hm... take off your shirt, I want to see how bad it is" "WHAT?! IM NOT GOING TO TAKE OFF MY DAMN SHIRT" Meggy's face flushed red, glaring at the android. "Apologies Lieutenant, but I need to be able to see how bad it is, will it be better if I lift up the back of your shirt?" Tari sat down next to her, "Fine, don't do any funny business" Meggy shifted a bit, her body facing away from Tari. "Thank you Lieutenant" Tari softly smiled as she gently lifted Meggy's shirt. The large bruise was already turning a reddish and purplish color. She gently placed her hand on her back, being very gentle as she moved her hand around, trying to locate anything out of the ordinary. Meggy slightly flinched, not really expecting for her hand to touch her back, it was so strange for her, Tari's hand felt soft and so real... she relaxed a bit, only slightly wincing when she put a bit of pressure on the bruise. "Good news, nothing is broken, it's just bruised, lay on your stomach and I'll go get some ice," Tari let go of her shirt and walking to the kitchen, grabbing a plastic bag and opening up the freezer, after she got the ice in the bag, she wrapped a rag around the Bag and went back to the living room. "This is embarrassing..." Meggy thought to herself, she laid on her stomach on the couch, feeling the back of her shirt get lifted and a sudden cold feeling. "I'm going to leave this on for 30 minutes, have you had dinner yet?" Tari looked over at Meggy, waiting for an answer. "No, not yet, I'll get to it" Tari shook her head at Meggy's response. "No, you need rest. I'll make you dinner," Tari walked over to the kitchen, hearing Meggy complain a bit before she left. She opened up the fridge and looked around, soon grabbing a few things before heading to the cabinet and grabbing more things. "Don't make a mess in my kitchen!!" Meggy yelled.

     She had gotten used to the ice cold feeling on her back at this point, it actually helped relief the pain. She soon felt the cold feeling leave, she opened her eyes and looked up, seeing Tari towering over her. "Dinner is ready Lieutenant" Meggy slowly got up and went to the table where he plate was waiting for her" "you made spaghetti?" "Mhm, had to work with what was around" Meggy sat down, "heh, well.. I'm not really a good cook.." Meggy joked as she took a bite. "Holy shit this this delicious" "I'm glad you like it Lieutenant" Tari went to the kitchen to clean up. "Uh... Tari...? How about you just call me by my name when it's just us, sorta weird that you keep calling me that when we are not at work" she smiled softly. "Alright.. Meggy"

Meggy Spletzer

"Thank you for allowing me to help you" Tari was cleaning up the dishes as she spoke. "Yeah yeah... thanks for the help..." Meggy was putting on a old movie as she sat on the couch, slightly wincing as the pain slowly came. "Do you want more ice?" "No no, I can handle it... so.. where are you going to go since you're done?" Meggy looked at the android curiously. "Well if you want me to stay here for the rest of the night, I can, or I can go back to headquarters" Meggy thought for a bit after Tari explained, she grabbed a her pack of cigarettes to get one. "You can stay here, it would be easier since you don't have to walk back and forth." Meggy lit her cigarette, Tari watched as she blew out a puff of smoke. "Shouldn't you be smoking outside?" "Don't question my smoking habits" Tari looked at the TV. Recognizing the main character, "what? Never heard of Disney before?" "I heard of the company, I just never seen any movies this old"

As Tari finished exploring the house, she had found Meggy asleep on the couch, her cigarette was put out on the ashtray. She got the ashtray and dumped it outside, and going back to the couch to pick her, as she was about to, she heard a soft song on the TV, she looked over.

When time runs out

Tari couldn't help but watch the Tv, seeing the lil trash robot be mesmerized.

     Tari couldn't help but watch the Tv, seeing the lil trash robot be mesmerized

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(Credits to: Fay1light on Twitter, give them a follow!)

That it only took a moment
To be loved a whole life long

Software Instability

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