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Yeosang delighted in being manhandled over Jongho's densely packed shoulder even if he was whisked away from his victims (friends), legs flailing in performative protest. He'd caused the appropriate gay chaos, winding them all up and unleashing them on each other. Mission accomplished.

The dark haired boy smirked against Jongho's back, smug as he pictured a pouting Ari tucked up in one of the many rooms of the house. Good luck, babe, getting between Woosan.

A beer flavored hiccup bubbled from his lips as he raised his head, watching the living room disappear and with it the unfolding drama before flopping fully into Jongho's grip, the man's broad palms firm and secure as if he were precious goods. 

Taking the opportunity to grope at the expanse of unguarded backside in front of his face, he went so far as to push against the rounding of the boy's ass. He felt how the muscles flexed as his dutiful friend hefted his weight up a flight of stairs, his nails digging into the jeans material. To think all of that beef was hidden, a little secret.

"Yeo yeo knows the secret. I see all!" He crowed loudly, nodding to himself as they marched down the hallway to the room, earning a smack to the thigh for being disruptive despite the fact that everyone in the house was very much awake. 

So uncalled for. 

He grumbled and squirmed at the chastising, basking in the freedom that drunken idiocy gave him to do whatever the fuck he wanted. 

"Yeosang." Jongho said softly though with a trace of steel to the tone once he'd stepped into the bedroom, balancing the drunken boy with one hand on his shoulder so he could switch on the lamp by the bed. He wasn't even out of breath from the stairs, yet another effortless show of strength that made something warm build in Yeosang. 

When he felt Jongho shift his weight to throw him on the bed, Yeosang chose violence , grabbing the bottom of the boy's shirts, patterned overshirt and tee, taking them with him as he fell. Jongho spluttered a little as he was tangled unexpectedly in the clothes pulled over his head, Yeosang putting his own sinewy strength to work in a silent vicious fight. 

They wrestled, Jongho almost bodily lifting Yeosang off the bed as he fought for his clothes like a wild horse.

Eventually, red faced and stormy, Jongho conceded and, in a flood of giggles, Yeosang held up the shirts in the air, triumphant, immediately discarding them to the farside of the bed and putting himself bodily in the way. 

A moment of silence fell, Yeosang reclining on the bed, looking up at the boy standing at the foot now half-dressed. He preened just a little bit, arching his back, showing his angles with a little smirk.

Jongho clenched his fists in frustration, leveling Yeosang with that intense stare that earned him a thorny reputation at school. The rest of them were relentless fuck boys but Jongho, he was fully unapproachable. Which worked nicely for the drunk teen; no one else needed to see the other like this. 

Just because Yeosang was still marinating this 'thing' between them didn't mean any other sluts should paw at Jongho in the meantime. 

 "I'm not tired yet." Yeosang tried, tilting his head cutely as he leaned in and fixed Jongho's bangs so they fell neatly, parted on his forehead just the way he liked it.

He didn't expect a reply while Jongho processed his rage. 

Yeosang just batted his eyelashes when Jongho slowly moved away, eventually breaking eye contact to rustle through a duffle bag. Silently Yeosang threw off his sweatshirt, banishing it to the floor, taking the moment to enjoy the spoils of war. 

The canvas of smooth skin he had fought to expose was lit in soft warm light, strong shoulders flowing down a corded back to all that lay below. 

 Absently, he touched his own thigh, squeezing the meat of it through a thigh rip and imagining leaving red scratches on that tan skin. Scratches that would linger, maybe glisten in the sun while the group surfed. His toes curled at the thought, licking his lips. 

 Yeosang perked up quickly from his fantasies when the man returned with sleepwear in hand, bringing all that skin closer. The drunk teen scooted to the edge of the mattress slowly, feeling how alcohol made him clumsy and trying hard to be effortlessly smooth, his own eyes gazing up through lashes to see if it worked. 

 He was thrilled as he held Jongho's attention and he felt the weight of his eyes, pausing to revel in it. 

Eventually he spread his legs out to bracket Jongho's thighs on the edge of the bed, mouth parting to tease out his tongue. Neither breathed as Yeosang swiped his tongue along his bottom lip, letting Jongho see how pink it was. 

 On a sharp inhale, Jongho's chest rose and his eyebrows furrowed. Yeosang immediately closed his mouth, knowing when he'd reached the line they toed. 

"Yeosang." Jongho intoned with more steel than softness now, pushing the sleepwear into the other's chest hard enough that he fell back onto the bed with a huff. If he thought that was the end of it though, he was mistaken. Yeosang could not resist tossing out one more lure in the water.

 "Mmm, fine." He wiggled his hips, voice canted low and sultry. "C'mon, Jongho, Let's go to bed."  

His fingers rose to the button of Jongho's jeans where he stood between Yeosang's legs, pulling it undone with a tug before Jongho's hand could close on his thin wrist to halt him. olding it firm to belabor the point that he was done with the games. 

 "Goodnight, Yeosang." Jongho dismissed, giving up on putting his friend to bed and simply walking out the door to the room he would share with Yunho. He passed Mingi on the way down the hall but decidedly did not make eye contact, uninterested in what comments his friend might make about his state of undress.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2023 ⏰

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