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I had my blue pen, the one with tiny crystals that reminded me of the stars,

I loved it ever so much, until it was yours,

You took it without thinking twice,

and I smiled because the cocoons in me had just erupted into tiny, pretty little butterflies.

Your brown eyes weren't plain, or boring, they held meaning,

my hobbies, my writings, I turned them into love letters that I would never give,

until the diamond of them all was yours.

I treasured my brain, I knew I was smart,

until you came along and I let you cheat off of me for a good mark.

I saved my scents, the candles, the creams, the tiny strips that I used at malls to test perfumes,

Until you made me want to catch your soulful eye and all that was yours.

I had my wits and my humour,

and I cherished them and shared them with everyone, until it was just yours.

How could I have been this blind,

that all that I kept giving, all that, that was once mine,

is now yours, yours to keep,

because I gave it all up, for you, to steal your heart,

Ironic really, I'm a thief, only I lost everything I owned to try and get you.

I never did. My gullible, delinquent heart.

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