Capítulo 1 sem título

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Eleazar had sent an owl to Philip and was now expecting him in his office. He had good news for him, finally.

Philip entered the office, looking slightly confused.

"You wanted to see me?" he asked, trying not to sound nervous. Despite being close to Eleazar and being at ease around him, he always felt anxious when called to any of his professor's offices.

"You're not in trouble." Eleazar said, seeing the boy breathe a sigh of relief. "In fact, I spoke to Professor Sharp, and he said you caught his eye. You're shaping up to be a great student, and I'm proud of you."

Philip wasn't listening, nodding as he scanned the desk. He saw some papers bearing the seal of the Ministry of Magic, and looked back at Eleazar, who had followed his gaze.

"Go on, read them." Eleazar said, trying to hide his smile.

Philip picked up the papers and leaned back on his chair. He started reading them, and immediately realised it was an adoption notice. He looked up at Eleazar, who was at his side now smiling openly.

"Does this mean that you're my father now? For real?" Philip couldn't believe what he had read. The man that had taken him in some years ago had finally been able to adopt him.

Philip felt something he had never felt before, a warm comfortable sensation spreading through his body. I have a father now, he thought. He was so happy that he felt like he could take over the world.

He turned to Eleazar and hugged him strongly, with the old man retributing the embrace. When they pulled away, Philip noticed that Eleazar was teary-eyed. He had been awaiting this moment for years.

Eleazar took one of Philip's hands and gave it a light squeeze, meaning that everything would be fine. Then he turned around, showing him two slips of paper.

"Now that I have a son, I can spoil him once in a while." he said, smiling again. Philip laughed, wishing he could freeze the moment and save it forever.

He left the classroom, unable to stop thinking about what had happened and looking forward to the Quidditch match.

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