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Hello, this is a fic set in Natsumi Hokami's official spin-off Kimestu Gakuen, also known as Kimetsu Academy. If you haven't read it go do that now (it's available for free on a webtoon website...I'll find the link later). It's about  Tanjiro and company's adventures in school, staffed and populated by all our favorite characters. It's so funny that you will probably laugh so loud that your classmates/coworkers/family/pets will probably stare at you funny.

The OC's are my sister's invention (her wattpad name is ToothandFeather and she has written some nice stuff) but she has entrusted me with them. I'll try to keep this as close to the original Kimetsu Academy as I can. Also sorry but I can only write about ships that are canon (or at least suspected to be so) as people's opinions vary widely. You have no idea how angry people can get. For instance, do NOT mention Giyu x Shinobu to my sister. Sorry, GiyuShino shippers.

Anyway I hope you are EXCITED!!!! I will update this whenever I can (probably on weekends). See you on the bright side!

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