The New ( and cute ) Member

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Sometime back in the 2010s three handsome fellas all met each other, taken by they're charmingness they all became a group of three: The Party Crashers! ( the name was Brent's idea after they crashed his brothers wedding on accident )



Brent- The smart and calm one

Nick- The handsome devil

Sophist- The actual devil


"Ugh I'm so tired of not having a boyfriend!" Nick grunts to himself as he and Sophist walk along their collage pathway, "I mean- how hard is it to get a man around here?!" Nick says in frustration. "Chill man, you just have to not worry about it and the guys will come crawling atcha!!" Sophist says with confidence, as the two boys walk they notice a boy walking in front of them but far away- he trips and falls on his face right in front of the two. "Sigma energy" Nick smirks to himself, "Ayo Nick! This is what I mean when I said "crawling" atcha! Look at this!" Sophist says to Nick as he walks over to the poor boy. "Here, you dropped this" Sophist says, picking up a laptop that fell out of the boys hands when he stumbled. The laptop is pink with Kirby stickers on it but also.. "Wait a second is this... JOJO'S BIZZARE ADVENTURE ON YOUR LAPTOP?!!" Sophist says in awe, the laptop has two JJBA stickers on it, one of the arrow from Part 4 Unbreakable Diamond and the other a low quality image of 'The Bucchirati Gang' all at the table from the Italian Diner in Part 5. 

"Ah! You what's Jojo too?! I loved it when Kakiyoin realized that the sun was the stand and started laughing- making all of the others laugh but Sir Joseph didn't realize yet and... and... um" The boy blabbed on to Sophist before realizing he started talking to a stranger out of nowhere and started zipping his mouth. "I-I have the second part downloaded onto my laptop.. do you wanna watch together sometime?" The boy asks politely, "Sure sounds cool" Sophist says with a smile. Sophist looks over at Nick who is confused out of his mind- Sophist gives him a wink and a smirk before looking back at the mysterious boy. "Heya, here's my number and email! Message me at" Sophist says and writes his number down on a small white piece of paper, and hands it to the boy. "Alright, see you around puffball" Sophist winks at the boy and turns back to Nick as the boy walks off. 

"And THAT's how you get a boy's number!" Sophist says to Nick, "What the fuck dude you just got lucky!" Nick says in frustration and confusion but more confusion surprisingly. "Yaaay! A boy's number!" The boy says from afar and twirls around. 

"I swear if you lose your virginity before me bro-" Nick's about to say before Sophist cuts him off "DUDE WTF?!!!" Sophist shouts. "Geez dude if you wanna be so loud than do it, I'm going back inside of the campus now" Nick says stomping off. 

We see Nick in the hall grumbling to himself walking down to his locker. "Ugh! How dare he get to a cutie like that before me?! What does that little Daisy stealer have that I don't?" Nick says to himself lost in thought. Suddenly Nick trips during his walk through the hall! "SHIT" Nick shouts, someone from afar says "Watch out!" The person runs fast to grab Nick and hold him tight before he can hit the floor ( and damage that beautiful face ) the two look at each other in silence for a second before Nick balances himself and the guy lets him go. "Whoa there Nick- you good?" He asks Nick as Nick turns in embaressment, "I'M FINE BRENT. Just had a long day, that's all." Nick says to his friend. "Huh? Surprising, I never expected you to have a rough day.. I'm actually on my way to a coffee shop right now, wanna come with me? My treat since you're super cute!" Brent says winking. "No thanks I'm busy feeling single and unwanted."  Nick says in anger and storms off. Brent is left alone confused. Very confused. 

Later Nick is at his locker alone now and suddenly thinks ( WAS THE BRENTSTER FLIRTING WITH ME?!! ) Nick thinks to himself, "UGH WHY AM I LIKE THIS CHAT- wait who is that?" Nick shouts to himself.

We cut to the mysterious nerdy guy from earlier alone on a bench near the basketball court. "I can't believe I got a boy's number! And his very tall friend was really handsome too.. but he seemed upset, I wonder what that was about, oh well he's still really fine" He says to himself. Suddenly a ball falls near the bench where the guy sits on and another boy shouts at him from afar, "Hey! Mind helping a bit there?" He says to him. "Uh...Huh?" The boy on the bench says. "Can I have the ball please?" The guy says. "Oh yeah sure! Here ya go" Bench Boy says throwing the ball to him. "Thank you very much! Hey this one's for you cutie!!" He says and throws the ball into the hoop perfectly. "By the way, I'm Brent!" He says. "A third boy? I am on fire!" The boy says to himself.

"Hey, wanna join me and my friends later? You have potential to be our fourth member y'know!" Brent says to him, "REALLY?! Heck ya!" Bench Boy says to Brent with a huge smile. "Hey uh, what's your name by the way?" Brent asks the boy. "Oh, I'm Vernias" He says with a smile. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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Sophist Gets It Started!   TCNick3 x Vernias x KingofSkill x SophistWhere stories live. Discover now