Chapter One

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Xavier was a simple man. He liked cake, cookies, animals, and pranking people. The best part of his day was simply just being with his sister's best friend, who he'd had a crush on for as long as he could remember. The worst part of his day, though, was when that same sister, his own twin whom he loved more than anything else, was having a meltdown and about to destroy the world for the third time that week. And it was only Tuesday.

It wasn't like it was her fault! When you have powers that contradict each other in the way hers does, bipolar disorder makes sense. He just wished it didn't happen as often as it did. Or at least that he was more like their older brother who could calm her down pretty quickly. Even when using his powers to shapeshift into Bridge, it never worked.

Right now was the worst part of his day. Xavier ducked as his sister Callie threw a massive fireball towards his face. "Well that was close!" Xavier stood back up and saw his sister was crying, which meant the dangerous part of the meltdown was probably over. The air temperature noticeably dropped as he approached his sister and put his arm around her. "I'm sorry I'm not as good as Bridge."

Callie lifted her face, which was a mess because of how her tears had ruined the makeup. "You know I'm gonna kill you someday." Callie's voice broke as she warned her twin. Her powers were amazing... When she could control them.

"Well, that would be very uncomfortable." Xavier told his sister in an attempt to lighten the mood. "Are you gonna be okay now?" Callie nodded and wiped her face as Xavier stepped back.

At that moment, Michael decided to waltz in.

He'd always thought she was beautiful. Long black hair, tied back in its usual braid with a few curly strands in the front framing her heart shaped face. An ever playful spark in her almond shaped mono lidded bright blue eyes. Her dad's eye shape but her mom's eye color. Today, she was in a short sleeved black acid wash button down that was tied at the waist along with a pair of red jeans and her signature red and black cowboy boots. The bully of the school, Becca Collins, often said that Michael looked like death.

'A beautiful death,' Xavier thought. 'Like a hundred year old woman who was ready to go, surrounded by her family, peacefully slipping into the night after a life well lived.'

"Xay," Michael snapped her fingers in front of his face. "Are you paying attention?"

"Huh? Oh. Sorry, Michael. What did you say?"

"I asked if it happened again," she gestured to Callie with her head.

"Yeah," Xavier sighed then yelped as a fist collided with his bicep. "Ow!"

"Why didn't you come get me?" There was a fire in her blue eyes.

"Because you could've died!"

"I die every day! Most of the time twice a day!"

"I know that!" Xavier's head turned to the ground sheepishly, "but I assume it's tiring and not very fun... I was hoping I could give you a couple day break." Xavier lifted his head back to Michael. "Plus, she's my sister. I should be able to calm her down."

Michael shook her head and sighed. "Yes, Xavier," she started. "She is your sister, but I'm her best friend, and adding on to that I'm practically immortal." She put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I know you want to be like your brother, but until we can find a way to limit the danger, I have to deal with her issues myself."

Xavier brushed her hand off his shoulder and turned away so she wouldn't see his emotion. He felt so embarrassed, so useless, and so much less than his older brother, Bridge. Bridge was smart. Bridge was kind. Bridge was caring. Bridge was actually able to ask out the girl he has a crush on. Bridge was amazing at calming Callie down before a meltdown. But Bridge couldn't always be here for her. He worked in New Tech City at the SPD headquarters. He was a power ranger. SPD Green. He came whenever he could, especially if he knew their sister was having a hard time, but he'd been really busy lately with some Gruumm person threatening earth, and it had made Callie even more unstable. It made her feel like Bridge thought she was a burden and not worth his time.

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