Unlocking your imagination - describe an image

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It was an early morning. I woke with a start, gazing into the mirror. It was roughly 11:11. I made a wish. I wish to see myself from another lifetime.

And just like that the mirror in my room began to blur and shake. It was calling me into it like gravity. I reached a hand out and fell into the abyss of the mirror.

I lie flat on the tiles of a grey marble floor. It looked like the stairs of a mansion that led up to two pathways left and right. The walls were grey and old. Painting fading and peeling. There are windows on both sides of the room. A two round mirrors in the centre of the stares.

It smelt like old housing, decaying paint and dust. People walk through the front door. Three women in dresses entered the building. They were in dresses and round hats. I was in a time way before mine. I couldn't tell when.

A forth person entered. She was my age. Dark skin and short black hair. A brown maid's outfit she wore. She looked a lot like me. I stand there spooked and at a lost for words an action. Surprisingly, they don't see me.

They scurry up the stairs in a single file. An older lady with greying hair and two younger women.

"You're not allowed up stairs until there is no more dust!" said one of the sisters. The girl nods and proceeds to sweep the floors of the mansion.

I didn't know why I didn't consider this before but I look out the window and find the streets of an old small time. People here and there walking across the roads. Making their way to work. Men in suits and suit cases. Women in dresses with prams. 

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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