Part One: I saw her, I lost her.

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Lyrics of Somewhere in Brooklyn are scattered throughout the fic. :) they are in Bold and Italics.

The whole story is in Duncan's POV.



59th Street, New York City

I was having a bad day.
First, the record label company turned my song - that I thought was a hit and award-winning - down. I'd really had my hopes up.
After that, well, you can guess what happened. I lost my temper, threatened the manager and punched him in the face. And then I got fired. Now, I'm here in
my apartment stressing out on how I'm going to pay my rent.

This has been happening a lot lately; me losing my temper. I get into small fights with gangs hanging around the city. I broke a taxi driver's windows because he wouldn't drive fast enough. Also, I recently went into holding for beating up a store clerk.

As for my career as a musician, no such luck. I've been jumping around from recording company to recording company, losing my temper and getting fired. So much for my hopes on being, Duncan: The Biggest Rockstar Ever.
They pay me, though. Just enough for me to live by.

Eh. I decided that I needed a walk. I needed to look for a new record label company to take me in anyway.
I grabbed a light jacket; it was getting chilly this time of year.

Sometimes when I go on walks, I wish I could go on forever and ever, to avoid all my predicaments and issues. Pathetic, I know. You'd expect a guy like me - tattoos, piercings, a green Mohawk and all - to go out drinking his problems away, partying, and hooking up with different women every night, especially as I was here in New York City.
Unfortunately, my life was not like that, and currently, I hated it.

I was nearing a subway station. As I descended the dirty steps, I saw her.

She was covered in leather and gold

Tanned skin. Medium length, brown hair. A thin leather jacket over a metallic gold top. A simple gold necklace with earrings to match.
She was perfect.
She seemed to be signing up for something.

"...and your age, miss?" A man asked her.


Twenty-one years old

"Just sign here..." He said, pointing to a piece of paper.
She signed it.
"Thank you miss, hope to see you again!"

The mysterious lady walked away deeper into the station. Damn, the station was so busy today.
I decided to follow her.


I lost her in the cold

It was not long before I lost sight of her due to the buzzing mob of people rushing to get on trains.

It's unfair she's out there

Bummer. I totally feel like punching someone.
I was going to give up, when I passed the doorway going onto the platform for the no.2 train.

Little miss perfect sitting at the train stop

I checked her out; head to toe.

Red Nike Hi-Tops

I sat on the same bench she was sitting on. She had earphones in.

Listening to Hip-Hop

I realised that I was staring at her. Apparently, she noticed too.
"Can I help you?"
I blushed a bit. Her voice was so melodic.
"Err...No, I just wanted to...know where...this train is going?" Way smooth, Duncan.
"I'm certain that this train goes through Brooklyn. That's where I'm heading."
"Oh," I said, "Do you live there?"

While we were waiting, started conversating

She was really nice, and made me forget about my day.
We talked for quite a while; she talked about how life was like in Brooklyn, and I told her about my soon-to-be-over career.
We were interrupted by a loud whooshing sound, and suddenly a wild subway train appeared.
"I'm really sorry, I have to go. See you around.
"Ok, nice talking. Take care." I said, looking at my shoes, blushing a little. What is with me and blushing today? I never blush and I never tell anyone to 'take care' .
I suddenly remembered one crucial detail that was needed if I ever wanted to see her again.
"Oh, one more thing...what's your-"
I looked up. She was gone.

Before I got her name, along came a train

I stared at the train, trying to find her face.
With a heavy grunt, the train started to move.
Uh oh. I got up, and I ran. To the end of the platform. And then I lost sight of it.

Where did she say she was going?

Next stop: Brooklyn


It felt like a million years before the next train came.
I jumped on.

Now I'm looking...


A/N: Hi. There is gonna be a second part so calm down ;)
Have a listen to Somewhere in Brooklyn if you haven't already... It's a good song, trust me.
Thanks for reading, see ya later :3

crayolabuff xxx

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