ACT II Chapter 16

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The police entry  competition has ended a week ago. Alex along with his other peers have had a  long week, but today is the day. The day where we see who made the cut and who didn't.




Alex is on his  hoverboard to the rehabilitation center.



Alex arrives



Alex: "I'm  here to see Nina Reto."



Front Desk Worker:  "Proceed"



Alex walks to  Nina's room



Alex: "Hey  mom, how are you"



Alex hides his hand  behind his back



Nina: "I'm  doing good sweetie but tell me how did the competition go? And why is your  hand bandaged"



Alex: "I got  into a fight after the competition"



Nina coughs



Nina: "What  did I say about getting into danger Alex"



Nina coughs even  more



Alex: "Are you  okay?!"



Nina: "I'm  fine, don't worry"



Alex: "Please  don't lie to me to make me feel better"



Nina: "It's  just a little cough, I'm fine. But you Alex please don't get into anymore  danger, I'll support your decision but be careful."



Alex: "I will,  I'll see you later mom I'm going to see if I made the cut or not."



Nina: "Stay  safe honey"



Alex:  "Alright"



Alex hugs his mom  and leaves




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