Armitage Hux X Reader - Uniform Inspection

133 9 8

**Chapter Warnings**
Light Spanking
Breath Play/choking
Pain kink
Not allowing someone to move or talk or engage during sex....
This is technically sexual harassment in the real world and I'm not trying to romanticize it but here we are. If this is something you find offensive please do not read. Also if anyone does this to you in the real world you punch them as hard as you can in the throat and balls. :D

This one shot was entirely inspired by an edit of Domhnall Gleeson made by Rens Kitten on Tiktok (GO FOLLOW), which captioned "I feel like this is exactly how Hux would enter the room when he's making inspection rounds but with stormtroopers behind him." I commented "Writing this one shot!!" And now here we are. But if it weren't for her fire edits of Hux/Domhnall I would never have begun simping and this would never have been written. Thank you @renskittenn!!

Vibe: Goodbye (feat. Lyse) [Slow Version] by Feder. This was the song used in Ren's Kitten edit!!



The soft exhale that escaped your lips did nothing to calm your anxious nerves.

It was inspection day. Your first ever inspection day to be exact, and everything you've worked for to get the position you were in has led to this point.

Your unit was in impeccable order. You made sure of it. Everyone's suits were ironed and pressed. No sigil or ranking missing or out of place on any uniform. The workspace was so clean you could lick the floor. All the equipment was running exceptionally and data collections were logged and cross-checked.

All that was left was to pass the inspection from the General, who was due any moment.

You quickly got your unit in line to be inspected from head to toe by him, as per protocol, lowest ranking to highest, leaving you last.

You only had the honor of working beneath General Hux for a few weeks now, and you had yet to meet your superior in person since getting your promotion. He was a busy man, so all correspondence thus far had been through reports submitted on your datapad or other officers that stopped in to inform you of something.

So, today's inspection meant a lot. You wanted to impress him and make him proud. In his last correspondence, he even signed off saying he looked forward to seeing your hard work in person, and that he was certain you wouldn't disappoint him.

You seriously hoped you wouldn't disappoint him!

You had never seen the General in person. All you knew was that he had fiery red hair and a severe demeanor.

Just then the blast doors to your unit opened.
Your spine straightened and you kept your eyes forward. By the sounds of it, General Hux had stepped inside with several troopers flanking him. He was deathly silent as he began his uniform inspection of your team.

When he finally spoke, he gave a subtle command, "turn." Your breath hitched and more nerves clouded your senses.

In your peripheral, you could see him getting closer down the line–a tall man in all black, and that fiery red hair.

He made a few comments, more to himself, and soft commands as he did his inspection, but when he stepped into your view, you nearly gasped. Before you stood a man that had to be in his mid-thirties. He had a striking beauty with his light complexion and bright red hair with sea foam green jewels for eyes.

You softly cleared your throat, realizing you had been left stunned at the sight of him and you had entirely forgotten your manners.

Why did you expect someone much older this whole time?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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