Blocked XII

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~Back at the rotting house~

Amy and Phym noticed Rexxvia wasn't making a sound. she goes to the room he was in and he was gone.

Amy: Where did he go? I turn my back for one second and he suddenly vanishes.

Phym: Amy, I can't find daddy's vitals. I don't think he's here anymore...

Amy looks back at the room, only to see a wood carving of him.

Amy: Phym, any idea who could've made this?.... Phym?

Amy turned around and noticed Phym was missing too.

Amy: You too, are you kidding me!?

She looked everywhere quickly with panic in her heart as she burst through every door in the house and ending up in random places.

Amy: Rexx!? Phym!? Where are you!?....... Where am I??

As she searches, she ends up back at the rotting house and spots a giant wood carving of herself.

Amy: Is that supposed to be me? I don't know whether to be creeped out or impressed... Actually, no. I should be creeped out. This is giving me that Ben drowned creepypasta feeling.

???: Hello extra.

Amy felt a pinch in her neck and she immediately lose consciousness.


In the pitch-black darkness, Amy stirred. An aching sensation throbbed in the back of her neck, and as she slowly regained consciousness, the chilling memories of the rotting house and the mysterious carvings came rushing back.

Amy: What happened...?

Suddenly, she realized she was not alone. A chilling voice echoed from the darkness.

???: Awake, are we? I was getting bored waiting.

Amy: Who are you? Where's Rexx and Phym?

???: Don't worry about them. It's you I'm interested in.

Amy: What do you want from me?

There was a pause, the tension hung heavy in the air. The voice returned, colder and more sinister than before.

???: A game. A simple game of survival. If you can make it out of this house alive, you can have your friends back.

Amy: This isn't a game! These are people's lives!

???: To you, perhaps. To me, it's entertainment.

With a hiss, the voice fell silent. Amy, left alone in the darkness, wasn't going to play this sick game. She would find Rexx and Phym, and they would escape together. This was no time to panic.

Amy: (Okay, I need to find a light source. And then, I need to find my friends.)

The place she was trapped in was like a maze, but Amy was ready. She was not about to let fear conquer her. The game was on, and she would win.

Amy: Get ready creep, because I'm coming for you. Whoever you are, you've messed with the wrong girl.

~Rexxvia, Baker's residents~

Rexx: Before you blew Jack's head off, he said that Cory wasn't happy that I killed one of his monsters.

Kassandra: And he's right, he doesn't. No person should be able to kill the fiends so easily, but you were able to kill the Ayuwoki.

Rexx: I wouldn't exactly call it easy, he did. get a bite on me.

Kassandra: Consider yourself lucky, it's the dishonored you have to lookout for.

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