A New Candidate

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Akemi is currently sitting on a porch outside her room. Recently, another one of her father's bridal candidates run away, this isn't the first time, all of the previous candidates had a run away as well. Even though it means that she will have a mother, she can't be sad when they run away. They didn't even bother to talk to her so she can't feel sad about it. A knock was heard from her door as she looked over her shoulder.

"Yes?" She asks.

The door open's to reveal an old woman sitting down as she flashes the girl a smile.

"Miss Akemi, your father has requested you in his studies." The woman kindly said.

"Thank you, Miss Yurie, I'll be there shortly." Akemi said, as the woman nodded before closing the door.

Akemi then head's towards her father's study, while she was walking, she can't help but wonder, did she do something wrong? Will he leave her like her parents did? She then arrives in front of her father's studies, as she knocks on the door.

"Father, it's me, Akemi." She softly said.

"Come in." A male voice replies, as Akemi sat on her knees before opening the door. 

Kiyoka Kudo is currently writing with his back at her.

"Akemi, there's something I want to tell you about."

"What is it father?" Akemi asks.

"Come and sit down." He said, as Akemi walk's in, closing the door, before sitting down. "Another candidate will come, she could potentially be your mother, so behave."

"Yes, Father." Akemi said, bowing her head. "Is that all you wish to discuss with me?"

"Yes, you may go." 

Akemi then stand's up before walking out the door.

'Another candidate...there's no way a woman would want to have someone like me...'


Right now, Miyo is currently getting ready for tomorrow as she only pack two kimono's and a comb.

"Miss Miyo, may I open the door?" A woman asks, voice slightly muffled.

"Yes, come in." Miyo said, as the housekeeper open's the door with a beautiful kimono.

"The Master said that he would like you to have this, it's a new kimono for tomorrow for when you leave." She said, as she put's it down. "He said that you should arrive in this."

"My father said that?"

"You're to wear it to your new home." The housekeeper said, making Miyo softly gasp. "Please listen to me, Miss, Kiyoka Kudo is rumored to be a ruthless, cold-hearted man, he has already had fiancees and they all left him, so be cautious, Miss."

"I understand, thank you for your concern." Miyo said, as the woman sighs, looking at what Miyo had packed.

"There must be more, is that all you're taking?"

"All of the mementos from my mother were thrown out long ago, I have nothing else to bring but this."

"I see, this place hasn't been kind to you." The housekeeper said, as she brought out some packed food for Miyo. "Take this, I hope it will help you with your journey tomorrow."

"I'm sure it will." Miyo said, giving the woman a smile before she look's down in thought. "If you don't mind me asking, are there any rumors about Lord Kudo's adoptive daughter?"

"They say she's a quiet child, not much is known since all the previous fiancees didn't want to talk to her."

"I see..."

"Miss Miyo...take care and safe journey." The housekeeper said, before closing the door, as Miyo look at the kimono.

'This kimono is so nice, there's no way it would ever look good on someone like me.' She thought.


Akemi is combing her hair, today was the day that she would meet her possible mother.

'Will she accept me? Or even talk to me?' She thought, as she stopped combing and looked outside.

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