Chapter 1/Introduction

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The monstrosities we call curses, ever since I was a child I have always seen them. At first, I thought they were mascots, it was stupid enough I got close to one, even worse that I tried to hug it. If it weren't for my uncle Takeo, I would be very well be buried six feet underground, but I wasn't.

I am an only child, born to a German Father who I never knew, and to a Japanese mother. Unfortunately she died when she worked as an Overseas worker. She was found in a fridge, frozen like a piece of meat. Up until I was 10, I've only had two role models, one being my mom and the other was my uncle Takeo. Like me, he could see curses as well, he could even combat them. The select few that know about curses call people like him a Jujutsu Sorcerer.

He is ranked as a Grade 2 sorcerer, not too weak but not to strong. His curse technique is being able to neutralize 3 out of the 5 senses of his target. A very useful curse technique, but it had it's flaws. It could only target a maximum of 2, anything above it would be too difficult for him.

Aside from that, he was also my teacher. He started teaching me the basics when I was 6, and when he didn't have missions he trained me in the ways of a sorcerer. He is also the reason I will be attending the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College, also known as Tokyo Jujutsu High. A school for the next generation of Jujutsu Sorcerers. But that will be in a few days, so I still have time to enjoy life before I go to...... class? I think they still conduct classes there, or at least I think there is. Apparently I'm going there as a transfer student along with some other dude, I'm still confused as to why he did not enroll me earlier. But oh well, at least I can finally use my powers without consequence.

A Few Days Later


An extremely drowsy Akira wakes up to his alarm beeping in a loop. Not even bothering to go back to sleep he stands up and turns it off. He stretches his tall and well built body, he stretches his body for a few minutes before going to the bathroom, there he takes his clothes off and takes a shower.

After rinsing off the water, he puts a towel over his waist. He then brushes his teeth, after doing so he examines his face on the mirror. A unique feature about him is his brown medium length hair that dangles just over his shoulders, another feature are his eyes. They have the a hazel color, a color not many people are blessed with it.

After this, he puts on his new school's uniform. It composed of a Jacket and Pants, both were dyed in dark blue. Putting on a white t-shirt he put on the jacket and pants. Getting his equipment ready he opened a drawer which had multiple cursed tools, ranging from a knuckleduster all the way to a Wakizashi. He slowly looked for his weapon of choice, being careful not to accidentally cut himself. He eventually found his beloved, a short dagger that looked almost harmless, but on the hands of a master it could become a weapon of mass murder.

He then grabs a small plastic bag which contained two Onigiri, he stuffs it on his backpack and grabs the keys to his apartment. It was a quite small and old to note, but at least it was all free of rent. Exiting the apartment he locks the door and walks to his new school. On the way he grabs some rocks, placing them on a plastic bag and stuffing them on one of his jacket's pockets.

After walking for a few minutes he eventually reaches the entrance to the school, a large old Torii. He walked around confused as to where his class is, he then started remembering the instructions of a certain white haired man.

"Look for a building that looked like it was abandoned! Then go to the front door! After that go straight, then turn to the left, afterwards go to the left again, then remember to go right! As soon as you go right you should see a door to your left!"

Following these instructions he eventually found the door, but there was another student in there. He didn't wear the same uniform as yours though, so he suspected he might not be a student at all.


I've decided to just ignore him and just stand beside him. He seemed startled, like extremely startled. He sidestepped to the right, putting some distance between us. After a few awkward seconds the silence was broken as someone started talking inside, eventually the speaker called us to come in.

"You should go first, since you did arrive before me."

I say to him, well the tone was more of an order, but he'll probably won't care.


He says as he enters the room, but before he fully enters the room I take a quick glance at him. Which is something I never should have done. He looked like an average boy, a little on the skinny side though. But it was what was on him that made me regret my decision very deeply.

He was cursed

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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