Middle school rush

250 1 1

M Mum means mackenzie's mum


Bluey woke up to her alarm clock ringing interrupting her dream she had every night.
Bluey:Why do I always have this dream?
Chilli:Bluey, Bingo wake up its the first day of school.
Bluey and Bingo:Coming mum.
Chili:OK be quick.
Bluey ran downstairs, ate her brekkie and sprinted to the bus stop.


Mackenzie woke up to his mum saying Mackenzie wake up you're gonna be late for the first day of school.Mackenzie hated school but wanted to see all his friends.
Mackenzie:Coming mum.
M mum:OK brekkie is on the table.
Mackenzie ran to the door but got stopped by his mum telling him to eat his brekkie. He did and sprinted to the bus stop.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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