First day of the job

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(idk if this should take place in the 1950s or the 1980s-1990s lmfao.)

•hello there, My name's Lauren Zenea and I work for one of the postal service's here in Minnesota.

I used to live in Ridgewood, New Jersey. But now I current live in Marybell, Minnesota. Also the place where I'll be delivering packages

I just moved in an hour ago. My apartment is nice I suppose

I moved my things inside before I got into my work uniform and went to my van that was right outside the entrance of Marybell.

I opened the back of the van to get the packages. I started off with the smaller packages, I grabbed my lavender colored messenger bag and carefully places some packages and mail inside it. I then went off to deliver the stuff

I walked into town and rummaged through some letters before pulling one out. It was addressed to someone named Helen Sinclair who lived on cerulean street

I held the letter tightly and started making my way to the address, I was wearing roller blades so this made my job slightly more easier. I made my way to what I presumed to be Helen's home and I walked towards the mail box and placed the mail inside and I mentally pat myself on the back

"Good job, Lauren" I told myself, smiling proudly

I then started rummaging through my bag again and pulled out a small package, it was addressed to Benedict Montgomery but the home address wasn't there for some reason

So I decided to run around the town to find this Benedict Montgomery's house. I spotted a nice old lady and I walked over to her

"Hi! Hello! Uh- my name's Lewis and I'm the new mailman in town, so uh.. do you know where this 'Benedict Montgomery' lives?" I asked the lady, she looked startled but she then nodded her head and gestured to a grey house just across the street

"Thank you, ma'am!" I said as I started making my way to the house.

It looked empty and it looked like no one has lived there in forever. But whatever, it's my job to deliver packages, not judge a house

I spotted the mailbox and opened it, placing the small package inside

"Alright.. so that's two packages delivered.. so like.. eleven more to go" I said to myself as I crossed my arms and turned around

I then picked out a small package and letter from my bag and when I was about to make it towards the address to deliver the letter I was interrupted by someone

"Hello there! You're the new mailman, yes? My name's Rose! It's nice to see you" the lady said as she shaked me hand

I was a little surprised and it took me awhile to respond, I just stared at her aquamarine eyes before remembering I needed to say something

"oh uh.. yeah my name's...Lewis" I responded with a small smile

"well nice to meet you Lewis! Oh, if you'd like I can give you some tea! You know, as a welcoming gift!"

"Oh- no need" I declined as I let go off her hand

Rose frowned,"you don't want tea? I promise it's the best around here!" She insisted as she grabbed onto my forearm

"seriously ma'am, no need." I declined again but before I could walk off Rose grabbed my arm and looked me dead in the eyes

"Just accept the damn tea" she said sternly, looking upset

I reluctantly nodded and Rose smiled before she went off to presumably grab the tea

I stood there for a minute before Rose came back and she was holding a small cup in her hands which I assumed to contain the tea

"Here you go, mailman!" She said as she handed me the tea, I looked down at the cup, trying to figure out what type of tea it is before taking a sip of it

Hibiscus tea

Huh, wow that was sweet. Maybe she put in alot of honey??

I look at Rose and she was already gone. Probably best to finish this tea, she might randomly appear again and start harassing me

I quickly finished the tea and placed the cup inside my bag before I continued to deliver the packages

The last packages were easy to deliver, except on package six where I got jumped by a dog. But luckily it was a nice one

I got back to my van and started delivering the bigger, more heavier packages. Luckily there weren't much

When I got to the last package it was for the church, I then made my way at the center of the town to where it was located

When I got there I was surprised, this might as well be one of the largest church I've seen

I walked to the front of the church and there was a mailbox, a very small one. Great, how am I gonna fit the package in!?

I mentally panicked before I felt a hand on my shoulder

"Are you going to put that package down or are you going to stand there like an idiot?"

I snapped my head in the direction of the voice and I saw a man staring down at me

He looked relatively young, 18 probably. He had short dirty blonde hair and he had grey-ish eyes that were just looking into my soul. He was wearing a black cassock, so I assumed he was part of the church

"Uh.. I'll just put it here" I said, placing the package down near the mailbox

I fully turned around and smiled at the man, he just rolled his eyes and groaned before pushing me to the side to get into the church

'wow, someone's angry' I thought to myself as my gaze followed the man, but I just stood there Infront of the church

I heard the man grumble something before stepping into the church, I couldn't quite get what he said, but why does that matter?

I walked off and headed towards my apartment to get some sleep after a long day.

(1027 words)

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