The decay of the angel

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The night was it was warm and  it was dark and..ah Giyū was thinking too hard again it was something he did often when he was annoyed.

The boy had just turned seventeen today and had been sent to investigate a village for a few days now the day he planned with his best friend had been ruined.

Sometimes the young man hated his job but If it was to avenge his sister he'd do without a problem or complaint.

Giyū sighed and dragged his feet from the grass of the woods to the stone of the city streets he'd gotten tired, his feet ached but he could see his destination not far from where he stood.

A quaint little hotel run by a popular musician who played biwa at one of the nearby stages in the city. The dark haired man barely staggered to the hotel as his feet ached in his geta since he could barely handle knocking on the door to the hotel he didn't think he'd make it inside.

Well that was until he walked in. The lobby was a vibrant red with splashes of gold in the mix of black and gray. The raven haired man limped inside as he made his way to the receptionist desk to get his room for the night.

"Hello! Sir I'm kamanue i'll be your receptionist tonight!"

The young man smiled the the ravenette as he turned around and fetched a map of the hotel

"I'm Giyū I'll be here for the week I was hoping to rent a room"

The orange and black haired man smiled and grabbed a key from underneath his desk as he took the money from Giyū.

"Tonight you're room will be 120 kind sir"

The young man said as he pushed his hair behind his ear. Giyū's hand immediately found itself on his blade handle as he could have sworn he saw pointed ears as he grabbed his key but when he looked back there was nothing but a normal set of ears.

He figured he must've been exhausted and just seeing things as he doubted they had any demons in this hotel as it had been recommended by one of his peers so he didn't think there would be much to worry about.

Well that was until he heard a biwa strum behind him but when he turned around all he saw was a boy with pink eyes and black and orange hair who was carrying
Towels but stopped to look at him, before Giyū dismissed his hallucinations as being superstitious and walked away.

The ravenette had finally made it to his room on the second floor after what felt like an hour of walking. He could Finally open the door to his room.


God.. he did not need this right now after walking up like a dozen spiral stairs the last thing he needed to see was a pretty strawberry haired girl fixing up the room.

Giyū didn't know what to say so he just stood there till she turned around her carmine eyes finally catching his sapphire ones.

"Umm H-hi I'm sumiko I'm so sorry you must want to lay down! I was cleaning up because my obasan is low on staff!"

They both just stared at each other for another minute before sumiko continued

"I'm sorry did I share too much? I didn't mean to be out of your way mr.?"

The girl said nervously as she made her way to the door

"Tomioka. You can call me Tomioka"

The ravenette said as he made his way to the closet in the room

"Well nice to meet you mr. Tomioka, I hope you have a good night!" She says as she slides the shoji door closed.

"AHH! I'm so embarrassed" Giyū said as he crouched down he'd felt like a teenage girl who just met the love of her life, since the girl he'd met had been so pretty he could barely form the words to say hi.

Giyū's face was the color of cherry blossoms as he slowly stood up and moved himself towards the bed taking off his normal Haori and sliding off his geta before moving to lay down on his futon...

Until he realized that he needed to bathe and that he'd have to walk back down all those stairs.

The man sighed and slid his geta back on his feet and grabbed the fresh yukata that was hanging in the closet before exiting his room.

The stairs he'd honestly considered sliding down the steps but that probably wasn't the smartest idea so he moved that one to the drawing board as he slowly began to make his way down the stairs.

Now that Giyū was fully awake he could think about those hallucinations he'd had earlier when he'd first gotten to the hotel.

And now his dismissal of them had proved to be a problem as he sat in the hot spring thinking as he didn't know how he didn't realize earlier I mean the whole vibe of the area gave off serial killer no matter how he'd thought about it all the signs pointed to this place being demon habitat with the random biwa strumming and the pointed ears along with the never ending staircase.

Though there was nothing Giyū could do about it now all he could do was subconsciously curse his peer and blame the man for how he got here

He digressed from the topic of work and off to the topic of the pretty girl who had set up his room; she didn't seem like a demon. There were no signs from what he could tell that she and the two-toned haired boy with the towels were demons; they seemed like normal people who just ended up here on bad luck.

After making his way back upstairs to his room Giyū only had one thought how was he going to get out of here after he finished his mission; it wasn't like he was a hashira that title belonged to his best friend sabito but for now he decided he'd sleep away his problems and take care of them in the morning.

There was a figure stalking it's way down the hall dragging its feet along with it the keys in its hand dangled as it walked only stopping at room 120 as it took the keys and unlocked the door it's eyes landing on the ravenette asleep but focusing on the man's blade as it walked over and grabbed it with no hesitation or respect for how it was to be handled and stalked it's way out of the room.

  The end

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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