Small Moments

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TRIGGER WARNING! THIS PAGE CONTAINS PANIC ATTACK AND VIOLENCE, please be mindful and take care of yourself!

The door closed behind him, it was late and all he wanted to do was get his gear off him and head to bed. SMG4 made his way to the kitchen, turning on the light and placing his bag on the counter, not noticing the glass there, which fell and shattered. "Shit.." SMG4 jumped at the sound and sighed, grabbing the larger pieces carefully and threw them away. "Daddy?" A soft little voice sounded, he turned around quickly. Seeing his little girl standing in the living room. SMG4 walked over and picked her up, "hey I thought you were supposed to be in bed?" "I heard a noise, are you okay?" his daughter looked at the tiny peices of glass that was on the tiled floor and back at her father, "just some broken glass, everything is alright. Let's get you back into bed" he smiled softly, carrying his 5 year old daughter back into her room to tuck her in.

Once he finished cleaning up the mess and getting his daughter to sleep, he headed to the bedroom, taking off some of his gear and placing it in the closet before grabbing his pjs. "Hun? Is that you?" The voice brought a smile to his face. He turned around, seeing SMG3 at the doorway, leaning on his cane. He gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I thought you would have been in bed at this hour" "Eh, you know me" SMG3 put his cane against the wall and limped his way to the bed, laying down.
"How was work?"
"Oh the usual, but Meggy got assigned a new android" SMG4 headed to the bathroom to change.
"A new one? But she didn't she just get back from medical leave? Wouldn't that affect her mental state?"
"I tried to argue against it with SMG1 but they did it anyways, Meggy wasn't too happy about it"
"I bet, I hope it's not giving her too much trouble"
SMG4 came out of the bathroom, wearing his striped blue pjs and got into bed, being pulled into SMG3's arms immediately. He blushed a bit and wrapped his arms around him. "Does she know.. that I'm not coming back to the station soon?" "No, I hadn't told her yet... how are you doing though? Did Amaya give you any trouble?" SMG4 ran his fingers through his husband's hair. "Nope, but she punched a kid in her class cause he took away her paper for fun," "please don't tell me you encouraged it" "... now would you believe me if I said I didn't" "oh my fuckin god"

"D r a w" That was the only sound she could remember from that horrible nightmare, she breathed heavily as she quickly grabbed her gun what was on the bedside table, sitting up and shaking, she looked around the room, her eyes darting around for anything suspicious... looking for him. It felt like her heart was beating out of her chest and felt like she couldn't get enough air. The door opened. "Meggy-?" She quickly shot at the door, only hitting the door frame. "Meggy it's me!" The door swinged opened and she could get a good look of the figure.

It was Tari, "it's just me

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It was Tari, "it's just me... put down the gun... and we can have a small chat..." Tari said in a calm tone, taking a step closer to the trembling woman. Meggy slowly put the gun back on the bedside table, still breathing heavily and tears were now running down her cheeks. Tari slowly walked towards her and grabbed the gun, and throwing it across the room, Meggy panicked and tried to get out of bed, only to be pushed back down. She tried to punch the android but her fist was quickly caught. "Meggy, you're going through a panic attack... you need to calm down... what are 3 things you see?"

Tari held both of her hands, gently rubbing her thumb against her hands

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Tari held both of her hands, gently rubbing her thumb against her hands. Meggy looked around, trying to control her panicked sobs. "M-My dresser, I-I-" she hiccuped. "I see you... a-and my blankets" her breathing slowed a bit. "3 things you hear" Meggy listened for a bit. "Y-You... My voice... a-and the fan..." she took in a deep breath, her heart rate slowing. "3 things you can feel" Tari tighten her grip slightly, having a gentle hold of her hands. "M-my clothes... my blankets... and your hands.." Meggy blushed a bit, fully calming down, but she was still trembling. "Do you feel better...?" Meggy looked at Tari, looking into her eyes. "Y-Yeah... uh... t-thanks" she blushed more and quickly pulled her hands away, "... Do you want to talk about it? From what I understand, you had a nightmare" Tari explained, Meggy frowned. "No, I rather not... but... thank you... for helping me..." Meggy laid back down, sighing a bit. "Of course, If you need something I'm here..."

Credits to: SussyKitty666 on Twitter for the art, Go give them a follow!

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