Confusing Feelings

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~Confusing Feelings~

Warning: Nudity, Sexual themes, Language, Slight Violence


This took longer than I had expected XD but here is the shirt one shot of my babies DabiKei. So everyone can see how they are with each other and how they manage to sort of get with one another. I had so much fun writing this and my good friend Lei helped me write this which was so much fun to do. I appreciate it so much :3.


She was hoping to maybe talking to Compress, someone she had considered a friend. Close family feelings would help her situation. Not really.

"Why does it upset you so much, my dear?" The man asked as he sipped his tea.

Compress, a member of the league. A trusted man, he has his own reasons for joining the cause. He's always been someone who had open arms if any members needed to vent anything out. Not many people know who the man is, which he left it at that. A mystery.

Letting a very long sigh out, she pulled back her two-tone hair. Pink and teal green before her silver eyes looked at Compress. "Because. This isn't how things were supposed to go. I wasn't... I can't..."

The tone of her voice seemed to be more of nervousness or something she was just trying to hide. But Compress was able to tell despite the ski mask he was just wearing.

"Why is that? If anything, your feelings are valid, my dear." Compress sipped onto his tea before placing the cup down. "You have feelings for our leader of the Vanguard. Not that I should judge. The heart wants what the heart wants."

He watched the young woman look away before she leaned back against her chair. The way she just frowned, like she wasn't hoping what she was telling him was true. To say the least, she didn't seem to want to accept this fact.

"Is it really hard to grasp that you have grown feelings for Dabi?" Compress asked her.

"Yes. It is." She finally spoke before looking back at him. "He's an asshole, arrogant, full of himself. How can anyone stand him? He doesn't care about anyone but himself."

"Is that how you really feel, Kei?" Compress watched her face carefully.

Kei Izumi, another member of the league who joined for unknown reasons as most of the members. Some have figured it was due to the fact she hated the hero's. Some speculate that she just wanted the thrill of it. But only one person knows the actual truth.

She let out another long sigh before her silver eyes looked back to Compress. "No! I don't know! I hate him so much I want to kill him with my bare hands! Then I just want to kiss him!"

The anger and frustration were very telling, with her emotions mixed. Compress back to sit back a bit with her sudden outburst, though no one can blame her. Dabi, the Blueflame quirk user who always gives everyone a hard time. Even to her since she had joined the LOV for that matter.

The poor woman leaned down into her hands before looking out a groan of frustration. Which of course, caused Compress to place his cup down onto the coffee table in front of him.

"May I give you some advice my dear?" Compress started getting Kei to nod her head, "At time stand at the moment. I believe it is high time that you seize the chance at happiness."

"Listen." The pink-haired woman sat back straight in her chair. "As much as I would love to. There are a LOT of reasons why that shouldn't happen."

"Why is that, my dear?" Compress tilted his head. "You seem very happy... From what I've observed when you are around Dabi."

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