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Rule 1: Roleplaying is a fun way to express yourself and get creative with your characters. As such, there is one cardinal rule that all roleplayers should abide by: I will not roleplay as your OCS (Original Character) crush if you don't roleplay mine. It is only fair that both parties are comfortable and willing to roleplay before engaging in any sort of romantic plot.

Rule 2:it can also get a bit boring if the same type of roleplay is used over and over. To help keep roleplay interesting, I suggest that everyone try to use more literate roleplay techniques. This means using good grammar, proper spelling, and more descriptive words and phrases. It's also important to think about how your character would actually say something in the situation, instead of just saying whatever comes to mind. (but don't worry to much I'm still trying to get that good at this rule))

Rule 3:I will not tolerate any criticism towards different cultures, races, and sexualities. This kind of behavior is not acceptable in any way. (Password:who is the original scorpion) I believe that everyone should be respected and appreciated for who they are, and their differences should be embraced and be nice towards others if they want to rp with you.

Rule 5: tag me after three or four days of not hearing back from me, it may be because I am busy or going through burnouts.

More rules are in making ))

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