Blue Blood

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The sudden music playing caught Tari off guard, her LED flashed a yellow color before returning back to its normal blue hue. "What? Never listened to Girl in Red?" Meggy teased, her hair was up into a ponytail and she had her uniform and jacket on. "No, but I do think her music is... interesting" Tari listened, taking a scan of the music and its lyrics.

They're so pretty, it hurts
I'm not talking 'bout boys, I'm talking 'bout girls
They're so pretty with their button-up shirts

"I'm taking a guess that you like it?" Meggy glanced at her, already driving to the station. "It's.. nice" Tari thought for a moment before she spoke. "Do you feel connected to this song?" "... yeah, I do"

Meggy Spletzer

Tari looked over at Meggy, before back at the road. Cracking a soft smile.

"Hey Tari, uh.. can you give me a coffee? I wanna stay awake during the interrogation." Meggy sheepishly asked, Tari smiled and nodded, heading into the break room to get her the coffee she wanted. "Look at this fuckin tincan.." she heard a voice behind her, "hey! Metal head!" They shouted, but Tari ignored her, focusing on finishing her task. She was pulled away from the machine and turned around. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" She shouted, she turned around to take a quick scan of the woman, but she was only greeted with a punch into the face. She took a step back to try and regain her balance but was soon grabbed and her head slammed against the wall. "Taking our fuckin jobs... Taking everything we FUCKIN HAVE" The woman was starting to get aggressive, Tari was on the floor, in the process of getting up, she could see her own blue blood drip down, she has a cut on her head and her nose was bleeding. "Hey! Hands off the fuckin android!" Tari looked up and saw Meggy charged at the woman, her vision was a bit disoriented, guess the damage had affected her eye. "What's your problem?! You hate these things!" "That doesn't give you the right to destroy equipment, Fix your attitude or I'll fix it for you" Meggy helped Tari up and walked out with her.

"Why are we going to the bathroom Lieutenant?" Tari questioned, she was already trying to scan some damage on her. "To clean you up" Meggy had grabbed an aid kit as they were walking there so she could use some of the things to clean up the dripping blue blood. "Just stand right here" Meggy put the medkit on the counter and opened it up, Tari did what she was told, soon feeling a soft fuzzy like material on her wound and head. She didn't feel any pain but this took her by surprise. "Why are you caring for me Lieutenant? I am equipped with self healing and I can recover from minor damage, it's rather pointle-" Meggy tucked Tari's hair behind her ear, cutting her off as she was trying to move it away to clean up the blood. Tari looked at Meggy, her expression looked worried and angry... Tari could feel a small strange spark in her chest.

(Credits to 0ni_Zeke on Twitter! Give them a follow!)

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(Credits to 0ni_Zeke on Twitter! Give them a follow!)

Software Instability

"Just shut up..." Meggy mumbled, soon throwing away the dirty cloth. "It is healing but it's best not to let others see a bloodied android" Meggy stated, "but it does dry up and you won't be able to see it" "I understand that, i just... Tari..." Meggy gently held her hand. "If things like that ever happen again, you need to defend yourself"

Conflicting Orders

"I... I understand Lieutenant"

Software Instability

"Good... now come on, I don't have to work on a case for a few hours, let's go for a small drive," Meggy gently patted Tari as she left, Tari thought for a moment, and soon smiled. Following along.

(Sorry for the short page, I wasn't very motivated but I will do better soon)

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